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Shit is the only way to describe  my current situation. What is going to happen to me the minute he steps into his car no one can say but I can guarantee it wont be good.

I have contemplated on weather to run and not die or to stay and die. Some sense hit me, both ways I'm going to die h so I'll just sit tight and weight for the doom that awaits me.

As he entered the car his anger was literally rolling of him and I knew it was really bad and if I even dared to speak, I was going to be dead meat. I decided ill wait for him to speak first so I stayed as silent as a mouse. 

"What exactly were you thinking while running of like that. Are you stupid or just illiterate"

I said nothing because at this point, I felt really disrespected by my dam mate how loving and kind.

"Are you deaf as well"

Then I finally snapped, if all your going to do is insult me why come all that way to get me? Don't you have beater things to do because at the moment I seams like I'm wasting your time.

"I am your Alpha and you will not speak to me like that do you understand"

I had no words and I was very angry and the car was getting to smaller for me to be in but that's why they call it perseverance.

As we came closer to his territory, I started to feel uneasy and I did not like that at all I knew what they did to people who disobey the pack rules and as far as I'm concerned, I've broken almost all of them and that could mean death.

But then again, its beater than a controlling man right.

"No, no its not", my wolf said.

Damn I'm stuck hear and I cant do anything about it.

As I walked into his house wait lets give him a name

"like what exactly" 

Maybe butt face

"Nahh to long" 

Maybe monster yapp that sounds great .

So back to entering the house or lets call it the mansion.


I felt so out of place from all the nice things all the cleanliness I don't belong here and the worst part is that it was true.

As I was busy admiring the beautiful house someone cleared their throat and who I saw made me feel even worse.

"You know staring is very rude oh I'm sorry your animalistic parents don't teach you that ?" his sister sneered oh I remember her she always made my life a living hell back at the pack house and now she's here.

Okay now I'd rather kill myself and end all this misery

"Oh, but where is the fun in that" a voice that my wolf Jasmine said . 

 I was shown to my room which was next to the servants sleeping area of because he doesnt think I'm  something important to him I was just rubbish.

And with that thought I cried my self to sleep I was helpless at this point.

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