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Adrian has been gone for one week and I already miss him I think its the hormones' kicking in. Speaking of hormones since we are not  human the baby will be out by seven months how crazy is that. I went to see the pack doctor she is the one who informed me on this news I almost fainted. How is that even physically possible.

I felt so bad about not telling Adrian about the baby I mean the doctor of the pack knows and the alpha himself had no clue how awful. So, this brings me to now I am siting on a chair in the siting arear waiting for him to pick my call so I can tell him the news then sculled him for not using protection!!!!

After a few rings he finally picked the phone

"Hi babe how are you doing, is everything okay"

No, its not I, said with a  small sob.

" What is the matter, tell me and I will be there in less than twenty four hours"

The problem is you, you didn't use a fucking condom.

"I don't understand what is the matter" 

I am pregnant that's the matter. I decided to take a test the day you left and that's when I found out I was pregnant.

"Why didn't you tell me" he answered with a very hard voice.

Shittttttttttt .

I dint want to disturb you on your trip so I decided to tell you when you came back but I went to see the pack doctor because I was having leg pains then she found out. I felt like shit because the pack doctor knew about our baby and you the father didn't even have a clue. I said in such a hurry I dint even hear what I said myself.

" Its okay take deep breaths calm down"

Youre not mad at me for not telling you?

"I am a little bit upset but all get over it any way I am coming back right now".

What about your business ?

"It can wait you and my children are my first priority"

No, I think you should stay and finish what you went to do don't worry about Liam, the baby and I we will be just fine hear.

"I have already made up my mind and nothing you say will change that. Now can I speak to my son"

Fine Liam your father is calling you. "Okay I'm coming" he said as he run towards where I was siting.

"Hi Liam, how are you??"

Mammy has a baby in her stomach,he said while touching my tummy.

"Oh, really are you happy about that ?"

Yes, very happy when are you coming home mammy has stopped playing with me, she is always tired.

"Well that's because she is carrying your other brother"

When you get back will you play with me?

"Yes, Liam we will play all day"

And mummy also bought me a new dog his name is Deminos he is very fat you should come home soon and meet him.

"I will be back home soon, I love you both"

We love you too, I still think you should finish your work.

"I already made my decision see you soon, Love you"

When I was younger, I always thought that life would be just the way I planed it to be. First kid by twenty-five last kid at thirty-nine.

Well that was a very big fat lie here I am pregnant at twenty-two with a toddler and a man how crazy is that. I never thought I would be in this situation let alone having a super naturals baby.

If you told me this would happen years ago, I would have laughed to your face. But surprise mother fucker here we are pregnant at twenty-two what a time to be alive.

I started feeling drowsy so I decided to take a short nap. You see I love sleeping even before I got pregnant that was my part time job now that there is a baby on the way my sleepiness has gone to another level.

When I woke up from my short snooze oh so I thought It was pitch black outside and hot as hell I don't understand my body right now when it is hot, I fell like it is freezing cold but when everyone is complaining about the cold, I fell nothing.

I heard a car puling into the driveway pleas moon goddess help it not to be Adrian I know I have done so many wrong things but just spare me this onetime please, I pray silently.

But to my dismay guess who got out of the car in all his glory my dear mate walked out. He looked so dam good today I have always warded how he achieves such perfection its mind blowing.

As he walked into the house, he sensed my presence then turned around here goose nothing.

Hi, I dint expect you to arrive so early. I don't think he even acknowledge what I said all he did was look at my stomach. The expression on his face was undescribable like he didn't know what to do.

"Is it hurting you??"

What kind of shit is that I asked myself how can someone ask such a stupid question? I had to refrain from laughing my but then I realised he was very serious.

Yes, I'm fine the baby is not hurting me. How dear he calls my baby a thing.

What else is there to call it he doesn't know the gender and neither do you, my wolf scolded me.

Then there was silence. What the actual fuck this feels so un comfortable with him just looking at me and not saying a word. Well I was getting tiered and hungry so I went to the kitchen.

"Why didn't you tell me" I heard him say from behind me

That stopped me in my tracks the dreaded question was asked.

I honestly had no answer for it.

I think I was scared, I answered quietly but loud info for him to hear.

"Scared of what exactly" he asked slightly louder and I didn't like it when he raised his voice at me.

"That I would be mad at you for getting pregnant,"

" Naomi we did this together I had I right to know"

Now I was in tears I felt like a shit person and I knew he was right.

I'm sorry I said through my hiccups. I honestly don't know why I was crying these dam pregnancy hormones. When he saw me crying his face immediately changed from angre to sympathy.

"Why are you crying my love" he asked me in such a sweet tone it made me cry even more.

I don't know I responded. Honestly, I didn't and that was the truth.

He looked at me very weirdly then said ,"I am happy we are having a baby I just wish you had told my I could have been hear with you."

I'm sorry I will never do that again I promise I will always inform you when it concerns our family.

"Now that's what I like to hear, he said then went straight for my lips just before the kiss could get to heated, I remembered he was supposed to get my loads of chocolate.

Where is my chocolate.

"Its all in my bag now lets got to sleep I've missed you"

And we all know what that meant.lets cut the long story short and just say he got good welcome home sex.

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