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As I walked down the lawn, I shouted all my kids names.

Liam, Andrew, Aden, Jason, James, Natali, Nina yes seven kids. After my first birth to my first set of twins Adrian did not want me to have kids but look at me now, I was now running a nursery.

I got another set of twins after Andrew and Aden yes another and I survived. Many of the packs around us thought I was going to die after my second birth but look at me now after five boys I finally got another set of twin girls Natali and Nina.

I finally found out the twins gene was from Adrian's side of the family his brother had the same scenario but he has six I had seven.

I was a mother of seven if somebody told me that years ago I wold have laughed my ass of and told them to seek medical attention.

We usually go to Kenya to see my parents and every time my cousins see me, they are always you are the real mother of children. They all speak and understand fluent Swahili curtesy of me. We also got married it was so beautiful especially the traditional one.

The whole pack  and my whole family  were there it was the best day of my life. From the beginning of our relationship my husband  always told me when I get angry I shout in Kiswahili, now he speaks and shouts at them in Kiswahili as well how funny.

It still baffles everyone how I manage to clean the house still do the laundry make sure all my children are clean, feed and also have time for my husband.

My husband himself also dose not understand but I do is to the best of my capability. Keeping my family clean and happy is my first priority.

All of you go and wash you hands and get ready for dinner.

"mummy what are we eating"

Ugali and mrenda (its an East African  delicacy)hurry up the food is cooling and daddy is going to be back form his trip so surprise him by finishing before he reaches.

All my kids are obedient but like every kid they have to be notty if your kid is not then you have a problem.

Over the years Adrian and Liam have become very close he is training him to be a proper leader. I always insist to let him be a child but they both insist on doing it so I just left them alone.


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