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Today was Halloween and I needed to prepare for a total of twenty children well just the ones who are lining in the pack house with me.

Yesterday after the party I confronted Adrian abut the children and he got so mad he almost hit me with a chair so I was not talking to him and he was not talking to me either.

I decided to sing because it made me feel beater. My choice of song was very funny thou. I sang frozen for the first time in forever" as I set the table I was so deep in my thoughts while I was singing, I didn't notice the children around me.

When I was done, I turned around and I saw all of them.

"wow you sing like a bird, I want to sing like that when I grow up" one of the little girls said. 

"yes, she doses" Adrian said from behind the children

I looked at him in the eye  then I quickly heard a baby fusing I walked up to  Monice  to see what the problem was . Monica was already trying to calm the boy but he refused completely.

When I reached out for the boy, he reached out to me, that is interesting I thought .Monica quickly gave him to me before he could let out a lout cry.

When I held him in my arms, he held my bra strap so hard I felt like it was going to snap. His face was so close to my neck I could feel him breathing.

His mother must have been a rouge and black since she left him not so fare from the border and he looks mixed.

Why dint she brings him into the pack territory, I asked. Luna everyone knows that if you cross that border your dead so I think she didnt want to take the rick Monice replied. 

I could sense he was hungry he was probably not less than eight months.   he was probably hungry and sleepy  so, I went to the kitchen to get some food for him but I dint find something for him to eat so I just decided to give him yogurt.

When I walked back into the place all the children were eating, I could feel the happiness that was in the room and I smiled. This is what I would love to have in my house when I get my many children.

Then I remembered this is my family and I want it to stay like this forever. As I walked towards the baby, I could feel Adrians stares burning holes in my head but I was not giving him any pity he almost hit me with a chair.

I fed the baby he was a very good eater he finished all his yogurt most children I've seen cant even finish half a cup. I carried him to the sink so I can clean him up because he was also a very messy eater.

I thought about what his name was but the only way to find that out I will need to ask Adrian. So, I swallowed me pride and went to ask.

What is the childs name?? I asked

"Liam that was what was written on the note" he answered with a very dry voice and I kind of felt guilty but I was not the one who told him to through the chair.

Well now I need to get Liam some clothes and a bath. When I was about to walk away, he took my hand.

"Can we talk" he asked

That's all I wanted to do last night,I answered him. 

With that I walked away now was not the time for his bull shit. After cleaning him up and getting him ready I went down satires and all the children had finished their food and were ready to go to school.

Monica and I kissed them all goodbye while we were doing that Liam started fusing but I ignored it. Then when the van that had all the children left the compound he started screaming and crying.

I immediately knew what the problem was he wanted to go to school with them. After twenty good minutes of explaining to him why he could not go with them he finally calmed down.

Monica and I started cleaning up, after we were finished, I went to the clinic to see if he had any problem and to see how old he could be.

When I reached the entrance to the clinic, I told the receptionist I wanted to see the doctor but the bitch paid me no mind and I was getting tired and Liam and I were both getting hungry. Finally, after a long time in the waiting room we were able to see the doctor.

When we entered the doctors office, I saw a blond woman who looked like she was in her mid thirtys sitting at her desk doing some work so I cleared my throat because I didn't think she herd me enter.

" I herd you sit down" she said as she looked up in my direction.

So, I sat down with Liam on my lap and explained to her what I needed her to check. Will she was walking out of the door I herd her mumble?

" this piece of shit will never be able to lead a pack it should have been my daughter not her"

I just held back my anger because I knew she was too strong so I just walked out like I dint hear her. When I got back to the house, I met with a livid mate waiting for me.

"Where were you" he asked. I went to the clinic to make sure Liam was okay I told him as I walked to the kitchen.

"A baby walks in here one day and you completely ignore me is this how you are going to be acting??" he asked me.

I decided to let him of on this one he was starting to irritate me. Since Liam was sleeping, I laid him down I the siting room and I made him some mashed potatoes.

As I was putting water for the potatoes to boil in, I felt his hands on my hips as the travelled up to my waist.

"I am sorry for almost hitting you with a chair yesterday when you asked me about my past and why I save all these children" he said with so much remorse in his voice I decided to forgive him.

Its okay I should have waited for you to tell me, I said. I am sorry to, now I need to get this foods ready for my baby so if you could excuse me. 

"My baby very possessive," he said in my ear. 

Get the hell out of my kitchen, I said

He walked out with a sly grin on his face and I knew he was planning something and if its what I'm thinking about he aint getting nothing tonight.

I laughed at him, after I was done making the food for Liam, I woke him up and fed him. He finished his food again thats good for a nine-month-old baby.

Shortly after that we both took a nap on the biggest seat in the siting area.

hi guys thanks for reading

love yall :) :) :)

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