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After seeing our visitors of  I walked up the stairs  and went straight to our room. My Wolf was going crazy, he really wanted that woman's head in his hands but not attached to her body. But I know I cant show Naomi that side of me and I plane never to.

I herd her soft foot steps coming up the stairs and I already knew how this conversation was going to end. First, I dint tell he about them coming and about the baby shower invitation and I  I was so rude to her the night she asked me about the children I did apologize but I still feel guilty. 

"I am not mad at you well at least not any more."

Youre not?

"No, I was before but not any more. Well I'm not going to lie to you I was going to kill you the minute they walked out that door."

I haven't even asked for your forgiveness and you have already forgiven me.

" Yes, I have that's what mates do right I mean you have your own battles to fight but we are in this together so don't worry "She said as she walked towards me.

 And I looked at her lips intensely, I really wanted to kiss them so bad but I still I didn't know how she was going to react.

As I was so deep in thought I felt soft lips on main and I knew it was her go ahead. I flipped us both around so she could be under me.My wolf was feeling very protective and very dominative I really hoped that dint scare her.


He had so many insecurities and it really hurt me to see how perfect he wanted to be for me.I didn't want him to be perfect for me I just wanted him for him flows and all. He sensed my hurt and stopped.

"what is the problem do you want e to stop?"

No, I am fine, I said as I puled him back to myself. 

"I know you are lying" he said in a very deep voice and I immediately knew this was not him.

And how exactly do you know that??

"Do not try me I know everything that goes on in your head so if you want to lie to me now is not the time and you will never be able to lie to me ever. So, I am going to aske you this one more time and I will not repeat myself. What is the problem ??"

The problem is you, I said

You  always want to look perfect in front of me. A relationship is about being transparent but you are doing the exact opposite. You don't need to pretend in front of me I am your mate. I don't want a perfect man because their will not be any room for improvement and I want you to improve with me. I said as I escaped from under him and sat up straight.

All I want is you the real you, that's what will make me happy.

"That's what you want?", he asked  and I nodded my head in response.

" I was taught from an early age that I always need to be perfect. Never mess up or their will be consequence's. The one time i was not perfect my father made sure I would never forget it"

I was confused until he took of his shirt and turned around.

I was speech less I didn't know what to say, I stretched my hand I gently touched every scare as I felt his pain  and his sorrow. I really wanted to ask him how it happened but I refrained from asking. Even the strongest of men have their problems and I can see that now.

"Now you see why I always need to be strong for you and the pack."

But you don't have to show me that side of you all the time you know. I am here for you to talk to and I will always listen.

"That's what the always say," he said under his breath. 

Is that what you think of me I am just like everyone in your life. Now I know how  you have ended up alone and detached from the world and others emotions.

 You know when I came here, I thought you would treat me better than the people you took me from, but you are just like them. Now I just feel so stupid I trusted you and this is how you treat me like the  shit you walk on, I said as I walked towards the door.

"And now you are going to leave exactly the way they did. Go on I am not stopping you just walk out of the door. Youre just going to give up on me. Yes, I always end up pushing people away and now your going to walk out like she did"

At this point he was on his knees and I felt all his pain.

 I am not going to leave like everyone I am here for you  but you need to give me a chance. I truly care for you  and I am not gong to let you go just because your stupid ass in being a hard head, I said as I walked toward him.


She cares about me. My heart almost stopped,  I expected her to tell me she loved me  but she I guess.  I did fall in love with her  at first sight but i will five her some time. 

I care about you too.

"No, I care you more because I said it first. Now that we are being open with each other why the hell didn't your ass tell me about the people downstairs?""

She shouted in my ear. Looks like she didnt forget.

"Boy I never forget"

Oh, really I'll give you seven children and you will not be able to keep track of all their names.

"Boy I will be giving birth to those baby's how  the hell will I forget them? You are very stupid to think that I would forget the children I will carry for 9 months in my stomach"

Dam she sounds so serious, how many kids do you want, I asked her. "as many as you want but not less that three". Now that's what I want to hear I said before I kissed her. 

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