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 As I just registered all the information, I have just received all he did was stare at me blankly. Is there a problem I asked feeling conscious?


I could notice she was feeling conscious under my stare and it was interesting to watch. How can that fucker reject her just for more power how stupid.  IT t was like we were having a silent competition all I need to do is get her pregnant and I would  forever be ahead of him . But that was not the only reason she was here. She was my mate and I am determined to protect her and love her till the end of my days.

After my ex mate left my pack has never been the same and it will never be but I know my second chance mate can help me an my pack heal. Don't get me wrong I love the reputation of my pack but in needs a woman by its side to help it reach its maximum capability. Most importantly I need a woman by my side to make better decisions.I will still be the strict Alpha but every Alpha no matter how cruel needs a Luna to function properly. 

As I was still thinking to myself, I noticed she was trying to get my attention.

"What do you want ,"I said I a rather harsh tone. I hate when people interrupt my thought process? Surprisingly she didnt jump like the women I know instead she just stood there and rose her eyebrow and I could tell it was not going to end well.

"Since you dont want to listen to me I'll just go and look for Isaac maybe he can actually help me" she said with a sly grin on her face.

She was trying to make me feel jealous and that was a very dangerous game to play with me.

"I am giving you five minutes to run," I said to her

She run off laughing. Honestly, I expected her to throw a tantrum like most women do but she was different and I liked that. But now is not the time to be thinking about that we have a prey to catch.


 I ran down the stairs as fast as I could before he could catch me I saw a slide door that lead outside and I went that direction straight.  I could sense him getting closer so I ran faster. But he was to close and I was starting to feel itchy between my legs these dam thighs. When he finally caught me, he tackled me to the ground.

"where did you think you were going," he whispered in my ear. 

Nowhere I said to him while I tried to regain steady breath. W lay there for a few minutes just enjoying each others company.Then I remembered I had not asked him his name yet how rude of me. 

I never asked you your name, I said 

"My name id Adrian" he said as he gave me a hand while we were standing up.

Nice, as he was helping me up I tried to pull him back down but I failed miserably he was too heavy  but I tried again and again and again but I still failed so I just decided to give up. He started chuckling  at my failed attempts to pull him back to the ground.

That's not funny ,I said 

"Yes it was, he said as his small chuckle grew into a full on laugh was contagious so I also begun laughing. This was something I hadn't done in a long time and it felt good. As we approached  the large slide door I looked at my reflection and then I saw it my beautiful mark, it was so beautiful and it went all the way up my ear if I had a new hair cut dam it would look so nice. As I was admiring it, I dint even notice Adrian  was still behind me until I felt his hands around my waist then he whispered in my ear.

"Do you like it?", he asked

No, I love it. At that moment I knew I was at the right place at the right time in the right arms.

hi people thanks for reading

love yall

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