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Even when I felt the feeling of someone watching me, I just kept doing what I was doing not giving a care in the world because at this point, I had nothing to loss.

My life is a mess and I hate it I hate the fact that I am not allowed to decide what I want to do as a person and I actually felt sorry for myself.

But what can I do about it because I'm just the servant girl whose mate doesn't want her and I'm stuck were I am because of him.

I mean cant he just let me go because he has made it pretty to me clear that he doesn't want me but that's not my decision to make is it.As I kept assessing my situation, I don't notice I was crying until I felt something wet on my hand.

I've never been this miserable in my entire life.

After my pity party I decided to go back into the house and get some rest  because I have a big day tomorrow.The cancel of elders is coming tomorrow so the palace must look very clean and well taken care of and that was my duty for tomorrow.


I watched her every move from my window, her beauty was amazing I really wondered how she did it ?? Without make up and all those accessories women like to put on themselves these days.

But another thing that caught my eye was her sadness and the way she walked and held herself like she was sorry for herself.I immediately wanted to comfort her but that thought  left my mind as fast as it came.

I was not the one to give her that kind of love or the happiness a woman like her disserves. I was simply not fit for her.

She was too perfect and I am known for destroying things. I was not going to risk that with her. But at the same time I craved her touch and her attention and everything about her. I wanted to know were she was from and so much more but I knew it would never be info for her.As I walked out of my study, I thought about this meeting with the council tomorrow. 

I knew exactly why the were coming and I did not want Naomi to be involved in this but I have no say in this at all.

These where their exact words, 

We as the council have decided to make an official announcement referring to your current mate less situation. We will inform the whole werewolf kingdom and we will look for your mate because a man can never rule alone.If any of them is your mate she will take her rightful  place as  Luna of this pack if not then we will choose a suitable madden to take the position.

When I herd this news, I was filled with rage.

No no, no, no is what I thought when I read the later which was sent months ago and tomorrow is the big day at least that's what they call it I mean the council.

I mad sure that my mate will be suitably dressed because this is the day, she will be crowned Luna of our pack and she needed to look dashing in all her glory.I personally don't want to put her in this space but what choice do I have.Its either her or another woman and we are definitely not going with the second choice.


 I woke earlier than everyone else so I could finish and go into hiding so I don't have to watch him pick another woman over me.Honestly if I said it don't heart me I'd be lying because it did sting, I've done all the things I can to make me forget but it seems impossible to do so.

But lets focus on making sure the palace looks spotless and clean.

The things I had to do were  put on a list for me so as I put on my earphones and I started to read it,

1 Water all the flowers

2 Clean all the balcony's

3 Make sure all the surfaces are whipped

4 Clean the pool

5 Sweep the back yard

6 Clean the front porch

Among many others and me being me I did it in a span of 3 hours thank haven's I am not on dishes duty otherwise I would have taken longer.

As I walked down to my room all the girls were so exited everyone but me, I felt tired when I walked into my room. I found a box on tope of my bead and the first thing that came to mind was is this a prank or what?When I opened it, I expected to see a hand or face pop out of the box but nope this time it was completely different.

What I saw inside was un believable, it was a nice simple dress and a nice pair of heals I think they were for today.I was too dam tired to be exited so I just put them on the side of my bead and went back to sleep until I am summoned.

Naomi, Naomi wake up its time for us to go, someone woke me up from my precious slumber like I'm a dog are they stupid or just trying to get themselves killed.Its time to go all the girls are ready to go you're the only one left hurry!!!Okay Im coming I said and they left me to change.

After doing all I needed to do to get ready I was stuck looking at myself in the mirror. I don't know wether I liked what I see I mean yes, the dress is nice but its me that's the problem my hips are too big my boobs are to big and many other things.But who is going to be looking at me no one is interested in someone like me so I might as well enjoy this night by myself.

As I walked through the halls to the ball room when I entered there was music and dancing and happiness all the things, I wished I had in my life.So, I just stud their and admired it all.

At that moment we made eye contact. 

hi guys I hope you liked the part one of this night

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