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Hi people if you have any advice on my book you can just message me

and if you want longer chapters

and if theirs anything you think I need to work on you know were to find me

love you guys

and thanks so so so so so much for reading my book I literally cant stop thanking you :) :) :)


When we heard the foot steps in the corridor, we got so scared and cleaned like never before.

When the idiot of a mate appeared, we made eye contact but I brock it so quick and the words that run through my head were .

"You cant spend your time wanting someone who doesn't want you "and I kept saying it to myself over and over again to make myself remember that the love we see on TV is a very big lie.

He walked into the room we were cleaning and started to inspect it like we are doing a bad job.Then he cold out to Imani and told her to follow him and that's the last time I saw her.

Now its been two weeks and all I've ever done is clean and go to sleep, how sad I thought to myself as I walked down the stairs ready to take a break in my room from all the work I've done today.

Then I hear whispers and knowing me the queen of gossip had to listen in on what they were saying.

"Oh my god you two were actually friends and had a normal conversation???"

Yes, imagine she is not as stupid as I thought.

Oh, my goodness is that Imani is she really gossiping about me like that. Wow bad things really happen to good people. I quickly left that place because I knew it would make me feel even worse about myself.

Then on my way to the kitchen after my long nape I passed by the siting room and overheard some people talking.  Today is so full of surprises.

I decided not to snoop I on this one because it may also make me feel bad about myself.

But as I passed by, I heard a mans voice saying "But do you love her???"

The other person did not answer so I decided to just go and get my leftovers and go back to my room. Lately all I've been eating is leftovers and I'm not even loosing weight I really have a serious problem all I'm doing is gaining it. I really wonder why.

As I looked at myself in the mirror all I saw was stretch marks and a not so big stomach but also no were near flat and I did not like that.

But my wolf said to me "if you don't love yourself who is going to love you" and that kept me thinking and yes that is true.So, I decided I will keep repeating that to myself every time I look at a mirror.

When I'm down I like to sing or play an instrument but I clearly don't have an instrument with me so I decided to sing. As I walked outside to sing a very nice song came to mind and that's what I decided to sing.

The song was "The Swedish nightingale".

As I sang to my hearts content in the garden I felt like I was back home in Africa where I could be myself without feeling out of place.

Boy that felt good and I had not sung for a long time so I was surprised I could still hit those high notes and not squeaking.

As I went on walking in the garden, I started to get the feeling that someone was watching me so I went back inside.

thanks for reading

and don't forget to tell a friend to tell a friend

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