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UHHHHHH why cant I get this right.

I need help fixing this king size bed  dam it I am just about to quit  but then my wolf reminds me its  my job. After m done with that annoying bed I  continue clean, dust, and prepare the 11 floors of this house.

six hours later

I'm still hear doing the same thing and it is so annoying because I'm just by myself on this very quiet floor and its creping me out but .All the more reason to finish up and leave and I do have a lot of work downstairs too. So I quickly finish that flor and move on to the next.

After I finished the main job of the day now it was time to cook and boy was I exited. I think I'm going to make chicken, lamb, and beef yup that sounds good, so lets get cooking. Minutes later guess who walks in uhm I'm so tired of all this bad energy that I just keep getting from this place she walks in and just pulls my hair and says wops like who dose that seriously.

I cook and clean after all of you and all you can do to me is call me bad names and insult me. I am so hurt but I thank the moon goddess for my wolf  she is always there to encourage me and make me feel strong when I think I am weak. 

"We can do this", she said. "Lets impress this Alpha with out lit cooking".

Just like that I got a burst of energy. After I'm done cooking I have nothing else to do but wait for what to do next and I really hate those moments because I start thinking about life.

What if their is a happy ending for me in this life I'm living . What if I find my mate and he loves me for who I am or he hates me and rejects me at first sight.

 "Their is a possibility we will find either or but lets keep our hopes up", my wolf said.

That's what scars me the most and the second option might be my reality that's why I will hide the whole evening until I'm needed to do any service which is rarely because they have actual wolves to do that.


As I walk into my pack house I have a since of pride , it is so clean and orderly and it is filed with this lovely sent. It smells very familiar but I overlook it I have bigger things to worry about and I came here for a review meeting .The food smells so good and I am very hungry but if we eat first we will not be able to focus on what brought us hear.

After the meeting was over, we went straight to the dining table and we dug in, the food was so good I hope they did not bring a chef to cook it.

While I'm eating my food the same cent from the cliff hits me and I really cant understand why but I keep eating. When I'm done this tall blond walks in and I'm impressed by her features and confidence so I smell her to see whether it is her but she just smells like tocsin, cheap  perfume and its killing me so I keep smelling around to see if she is hear but I'm not going anywhere with this so I excuse myself to go find her.

I know I told myself to stay away but I just kept going until I fond the door that leads to the basement and it is screaming with her cent so I open the door only to find an empty basement with some rugs I the middle of it so I leave to go and find her somewhere else but I know for sure she sleeps hear.

After thirty minutes of waiting I was not summoned so I decided to go and get a shower so I went to my excuse of a room and filled the bathtub with cold water and I took of all my clothes.

I felt like someone was hear but I ignored it because my senses are horrible and why wold anyone be interested I coming down hear and to do what. So, I got into the freezing water which will probably give me a cold but cleanliness first. As I showered, I started to sing I was allowed to sing down hear because it was kind of sound proof. I sang my  favorite song by pink "what about us. I was so deep into the song I felt like I left the pack house and I was performing on a stage with loads of people screaming my name.

As I smelt her out my wolf still took me back to her room but this time their was a beautiful voice coming from it just like the one I heard in the  forest but this time it was a sadder song and I think she was crying my immediate instinct was to walk away but for some reason I stayed and listened to her raw emotions through her voice. I have no idea what song she was singing but it sounded modern and I was beautiful. Why do I keep using the word beautiful every time she comes up. What is happening to me 

After she was done, I walked in, she was very afraid and she immediately run to the opposite side of the basement and that surprised me then she started apologising like her life depended on it but as I walked closer to her all the things she was saying were drowned out and her beauty was beyond what I have seen I was  surprised.I have  seen my fare shear of women but she was on a whole other level. 


When I noticed who walked in, I was surprised and terrified. I it was the end of the road for me, I always knew my mouth would always land me into trouble and now it has and I'm done for good by world.

Come to think of it if he is going to kill me that means whatever I sway will not matter so I can say whatever I want.

I have prepared for this day for a long time and now it has come. I was so deep in my thoughts I dint see him looking at me he studied me like I was a peace of art in a museum , he looked at every aspect of my face like a painter looked at his piece  of work after he was finished. 

But this is the Alpha and he is deadly by the time Im done with my speech he would have already killed me.

So, lets make this quick.

Just when I was about to start, the dumb bitch interrupts me well its not like he did but he did in my perspective when he started talking, I was taken to cloud nine his voice was so mature and dominant. I was soo intrigued by his voice I didn't hear a thing he said.

This are symptoms of finding your mate.


He cant be he is going to reject me right hear right now and look at me already thinking about how hot he is, my life really was not supposed to have a happy ending.

Now the only thing I can do right now is run and thats exactly what I did.


"What is your name", I asked her?

Immediately I asked her the question she bolted of, she was quite  slow  I could give he a 30-minute head start and I would still win the race I,m not bragging but she is really slow.

When I cough her, she started screaming like I'm going to kill her and she said something along the lines "dont reject me please just let me run" then I hit me like a tun of bricks she was my  mate I was so shocked I immediately dropped her and walked away. 

As I walked away I heard he feet run In the opposite direction I was going she took of running it was quit amusing to se someone with such determination. I immediately snapped back into reality and I chased after her. 

When I caught her the second time, I asked her name and she said "if you let me go I will tell you"

I could tell she was lying because of he hearts rate going up and he body started to heat up it was hilarious, once she figured out I was not going to quit she finally gave in and I herd her voice calmly say her name and I was taken aback because of the two different accents that she has. So, I nocked her out and decided to take her home.

I  don't love  her or even like her the only reason I took he I because it would satisfy my wolf and  I do not want other males to look at her.



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