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Being pregnant is no joke my hormones have been going crazy and lets not even start discussing how neglected Liam is feeling.

Before I had to carry this baby, I was his best buddy but now I feel like Adrian is stealing him away from me and that makes me so sad  it always makes me cry and I always feel bad about it.

As I walked through the garden, my thoughts went straight to what the doctor said earlier this month. She said that the baby will be due some time this month or just any time this month and now the month is ending and still no baby.

I am getting very anxious.

"Hey stop worrying the baby will be here soon" Adrian says

I am okay who told you I am worrying.

"Babe its obvious you are tense"

Adrian there is going to be a baby coming out of my vagina how the hell am I supposed to be calm.

"Okay I am sorry but you are putting you and the baby under a lot of pressure just be calm for you and the baby."

Fine I am hungry though so in going to eat.


I honestly didn't know having a pregnant woman in your house could be so stressful. Its not that she is a burden but nobody informed me about how hard it could get.

I mean anything you say or do can be offensive. All the crying and emotions are so hilarious to watch but if she even sees you are amused by her behaviour. My friend you will and mark my words  because I am also speaking from experience you will sleep on the couch.

The last time we went to the clinic I spoke to the doctor about her due date but they said it was unsure because the baby was playing up. Of cores I didn't tell her that or she would die.

 I  was so deep in thought I did not notice my surroundings until I heard a loud ear piercing scream and that was my que. The baby had finally come.


As my I walked up the stairs, I suddenly felt a chill run through my body then a sudden cold feeling between my legs. I knew it the long awaited baby was here. It dawned on me that I had to push it out. Then a sharp piercing pain shout through my back followed by a very loud scream.

Adrian cam running at tope speed as he was barking orders.

"Baby you are going to be fine just breath"

Was this man even serious right now breath boy you playing. Have you ever given birth to a  child  before? If you have then you can tell me what to do but since you have not.

SHUT THE FUCK UP AND TAKE ME TO THE DAM HOSPITAL. I know I was being mean to him but I will apologies later.

When we finally reached the hospital, I was going to be put on a wheel chair but Adrian refused to put me down.

Adrian do as the doctor says or I will give birth in your fucking arms dam it.

"Fine but do not leave her side or I will kill you"

As I was rolled of to the maternity word, I felt that pain then came the contraptions I scram so loud I knew Adrian was not going to leave my side after hearing me in such pain.

Like clock work he was by my side holding my hand as I squeezed the living life out of it. Then I was taken to a room where was going to give birth.

I was in labour for thirty minutes before the baby was ready to come out. 

I was so happy Liam was not here to see this or see me like this he would be scared for life.Turns out the sleep over was a great idea. Many nurses came to the room to help me out.

"Okay  Luna I will need you to push"

I did it the first time and it was so draining.

"Again, we can see his head"

I pushed like life depended on it a few more times then I heard a cry and that was my baby. Adrian was given the umbilical cord to cut. I have never seen him this scared.

Then I felt like there was something else trying to come out too. The nurse noticed I was in distress.

"We have another one coming push on the count of three."

What the fuck another baby shit I did not odder this take it away. I pushed my hardest but my energy was running out my eyes were giving way.

"Keep her awake or we might loos this baby"

"Baby you can do this just one more push and all this will be over." Adrian said and I actually believed him.

THREEEEEEEE FFUUUUUKKKIIINNGGGGG pushes later I heard my other baby crying the joy that I felt was un explainable I was a mom not a mom of two but of three now.  All the pain was worth it.

Then sleep took over me and I was completely gone, I herd the nurse shouting order's I honestly didn't know what the problem was. All I wanted to do was sleep but apparently they don't understand basic English.


I woke up to a throbbing lower body then I felt someone sleeping on my hand.

Adrian what are you doing here you were supposed to go pick up Liam from his sleep over go now or you will be late. When he lifted his head, I saw the bags under his eyes and I immediately knew there was a problem.

What is the problem why have you not slept and don't lie to me and say you were just helping the pack.

He chuckled" I am fine its you I was worried about"

What is wrong with me that you are this worried?

"You passed out for a whole week after giving birth to the twins."

How did I not know I was carrying twins this whole time what was that doctor paid for?

"The baby we saw first was on top of the other one that's why she was not able to identify it."

Where are they now??

"In the nursery why?"

Maybe because I want to see our babies. SILENCE

Then I hear a soft but manly sob and I knew immediately it was Adrian I engulfed him in a hug and his cry became even harder.

"I thought I lost you they said you would never survive because you were not a full wolf. But hear you are beautiful an alive looking at me."

Boy stop you of all people know I look wicked and my breath probably stinks.

"I don't care about that now all I care about is that the love of my life will be in my life."

I love you and if I do ever leave you, I will always be watching over you.

"I love you two"


LOVE YO ALL :) :) :) :)

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