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When we made eye contact all the pain flowed through me and all I could do was cry, all the pain all the heart break, all the sadness was finally coming out. I always told myself to never let him see me weak but at this point I didnt care even the slightest.

The thoughts that ran through my mind were full of hurt and it was breaking me slowly. I felt it as my knees hit the ground, I don't care whether other people were there all I cared about was the place were this man had put me. I felt like I was in a box and he was sitting on top of it as it caved in. I felt like I was slowly drowning and he was jest watching me sink to the depths of my anguish and pain.


As I watched a tear fall from her beautiful face, I felt  all her pain and sorrow and it was all because of me. I new I was the only one to blame I was not even going to deny  it.  I ran to her as her fragile body hit the marble floor not caring about the people around me the only person, I cared about at this moment was her and her alone.

The guilt I felt was more than describable I never knew a woman could ever make me feel like this but this is the love of my life we are talking about and I felt like a complete shit bag.As I carried her away from the crowd she started to fuss as she tried to get out of my grip. That made me feel horrible my own mate doesnt even want to be close to me not even feel my touch.


I was ready to let out all the anger all the pain that I have kept in all this time . He is the cause of all this and he is going to know that before he chooses another mate instead of me.When he let me go all the anger just climbed form the depth of my feet to the tip of my tongue and straight out of my mouth.

All you did was hurt me that's what you just love to do, just heart people and make them feel like they are worth nothing.

Do you think life will always be all nice and lovely? Do you?

I had to work for the scholarship that you striped away from me because you could!

You didn't stop there you made me one of you and guess what I get for that a horrible job at your stupid pack house were I was mistreated beaten and almost raped. Do you have any idea how painful that was?

Then you make me a maid at your house just to be abused by everyone because of my skin and weight.

I've been cheated on and I've been hurt and much worse.Then I find my mate thinking that he would love me and take me away from this hell hole but what do I find??


And what do you do you just sit and watch while all these things happen to me like theres no problem at all. 

Do you know how that made me feel?It made me feel like shit for the longest time. Then I thought and I said to myself why fight for someone who doesnt want you. Then it hit me you are ashamed of me.

Tonight I broke I could not handle the pressure and you had the nerve to touch me.You think I'm just something that is just to be used like toilet paper? This time you need to hide me away from people so they cant see what a disappointment I am. Am I right Alpha or should I not raise my voice at you because you demand respect.

The reason I am hurting is because of you all of you and the worst thing is that you don't know you just think its all rainbows and that I'm fine but the truth is I'm not and I might never be.

After what you've put me through forgiveness and moving on is the furthest thing from my mind right now.

"I'm sorry" 

Sorry?????, that's all your going to say?

Like that's going to solve the problem we have.

"All I did was to protect you" 

From what???

"Myself Naomi, me I've been protecting you from me".

That took me by surprise I expected something much worse.

And that's when I saw it.

The remorse , regret and pain written all over his face I felt the urge to comfort him but then I remember that we are arguing.

" I'm sorry I was hurting you in the proses, at the time it felt like the right thing to do"And now I feel like shit because I made you feel things your mate is not supposed to and I want your to know I am truly sorry for that. Now its your choice if you want to leave you can. I will be fine with it because I know I have heart you too much."

He left me their to think and make my final decision.What am I going to do? Everyone deserves a second chance. But am I wiling to risk it all and give it to him was the real question?


As I walked down the stairs to the garden, I thought about the past event that happened minutes ago

Was she really going to leave me?

If she did, I would totally deserve it, all the things I've done to her I would not blame her. But I let her see my flaws and she made me show my emotions. Dam how fare has she crawled up my heart.As I was deep in thought a bright light shone and I as I looked up to see what it was the light blinded me. 

Then a voice came from the light it said,

"Don't be afraid child I come to give you my blessing and you must take it and treat it as if you're life depends on it because I dose.The gift I am about to give you is the heart of the one you love. But you messed it up once don't mess it up again because there will be no second chances.But remember if she stays the gift is yours but if she doses not it will be given unto another. That thought alone made me want to tare every man alive but in odder for me to have her she needs to stay.

 I do not have control over that. 

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