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I heard the birds chirping as I got up from the bed. I remembered myself on the sofa taking an afternoon nap and now I'm in bed. I wonder who was courageous enough to carry me up the stares and still be alive. As I was about to get out of my bed to go and check on Liam and feed him, I felt an arm around my waist pulling me back the bed. I immediately knew who it was.

"Don't leave just a few more minutes" he said in my ear with a seductive tone. I immediately knew where this was going.I need to go check on Liam.

"Liam can wait a few minutes" he said.

No, I need to feed him, I said as I slipped out of his grip. I didn't hear any response so I just walked away. After I was done with the bathroom, I was about to walk out of the room but I looked back and saw Adrian's back towards me and I knew he was upset.

I decided that Liam can wait I have been neglecting my other baby. I walked up to him and he didn't even look at me.

I'm sorry I have not been giving you the attention you need, I said in his ear.

"and the pack" he said like he was a five-year-old. And the pack, I said. 

He finally looked at me then his eyes went straight to my lips as I bit them. He went right in but I couldn't balm we haven't been this close in weeks. The kiss was getting to heated but I wasn't complaining.

He was moving to my neck straight to my mark and that got me into am moaning mess. He doesnt stop there he went strait back he knew exactly what he was doing to me. When he was just about to reach my left breast, his phone rang but he ignored it and went on. When the person who was calling called for the fifth time, I told him to pick up the dam phone.

"Whatever you want to tell me it had beater be good or I will have your neck" he shouted into the phone and that was my queue to leave.

I walked up to him and kissed his back and walked out the door to look for my other baby. I finally found him in the kitchen with Monica he has adjusted to people around him but when I am there he will not allow anyone to touch him except for me.

As we were talking with Monica Adrian walked into the kitchen, I avoided all his looks when he left Monica gave me the eyes.

"Tell me everything" she said .

We didn't have sex but I have a feeling he wants it and bad.

"So, what did you two do thats got him smiling like a  Cheshire cat?" she asked with a sly smile.

Girl mind your business.

"Girl your business is my business," she said while rolling her eyes. 

We just had a very hot make out session, I said

"That's all " she said like she knew what happened. 

"Oh my gosh he," she said with a funky face. 

You are disgusting but I do hope he is not kinky.

We both laughed at that. "Imagine you two are having sex and he just grips your neck," she said while dying of laughter

Girl I would call 911 on him immediately.

As we were deep in our conversation, we were interrupted by he door bell ring so I picked up Liam and went to answer it.

Hello how can I help you?? I asked but the guy was too busy looking at my bobs I pooled my shirt up. Sometimes Liam pulls my shirt way too low so that happens.

Then his eyes finally reached my eyes after giving me a full body scan.

Adrian showed up behind me.


Hello Xandra how have you been, this is my mate Naomi and my son Liam I introduced them to my very good friend. I saw him from the top of the stairs how he looked at my very beautiful mate she has that effect on people mated or not. She looked like she had just come from feeding Liam.

"Hello nice to meet you" she replied politely.

His mate walked in after him that woman has no respect whatsoever and it irritates me so much. I know she's my friends mate but she was so disrespect. I notices Naomi realised how angry I was so she held my hand so I could cool down.

Liam started to fuse in he arms so she put him down and walked to the kitchen her ass was looking so good in the leggings she was wearing and I was not the only one noticing that. As long as they don't touch what's mine, we will be good.

"Dam bro where did you get her, she looks like a goddess for real look at those thick thighs they look so soft" Xandra said.

Yes, the are they feel like marshmallows, I said with a grin plastered on my face.

I watched as she set the table Liam literally followed her everywhere, he wanted to be put down so he can run after her.

She has been avoiding my gaze since our little activity today morning what she doesn't know is that she will be getting it tonight. I have been waiting to long and she is not showing any sings of resistance. 

As she brought the food to the table for us to eat more alphas had come but the had not seen her. All their eyes were on her and it was getting annoying so I cleared my voice.

Gentle men this is my mate and the little boy who has been following her is my son. She is not on display so stop staring.

All of the Alphas has come with their mates and they did not like the fact that their mates were looking at another woman who has a body ten times bigger and beater then theirs.

When I was finally time to eat, we all sat down and started earing the Alphas and I were discussing business while their mates were just gossiping about  whatever women gossip about.

 My mate on the other hand, she was to busy trying to get Liam to eat his greens.

Then one of ladies asked the worst question to ask at this moment.

"So, Naomi are you coming for the Alphas daughter baby shower or did you even get an invitation?"She asked with a smirk on her face ."because she mentioned something concerning a black girl who tried to steal her mate and she is going to invite her to see what she has know? I was wondering if it was you" she asked


Oh no she didn't.

hi people thanks for reading

love yall :) :) :)

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