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After coming back from the forest, I did all my chores successfully without any one bothering me for a while until Mandy came in. Well  the other pack members never really wanted to be friends with me but they never really treated me badly all of the except Mandy I honestly don't know what her problem is she is always up my neck for anything and everything. She is one of the people who make my life a living hell.  

 She makes my life so  harder once she made me was he whole house just coz her bedding was not pressed the way she likes it. I didn't even clean her room that day. She walks in to my space and I really cant do anything about it but just watch.

While I was cleaning the rooms, she walked in and just splashed the bucket of water that I was using to clean all over me and the floor and you can imagine how many rooms that bucket of water has cleaned and to make it even worse I had just braided  my hair and now all that pulling and pain has gone to waste.

The anger I had was more than an angry elephant but I couldn't cant do anything because I am  the maid.After she did that, she went to call the Beta and said that I tried to attack her because I was jealous of her beauty.

And you all know what that means an eternity of beatings literally that shit hurt and the fact that I'm not a real wolf my healing takes much longer and it is very slow so imagine the pain I have to go through.

Anyway, lets fast forward to two weeks later hear I am with a back fool of scars well, most of them are fading but some very visible. Rright behind me is lucifer her self making sure I clean all the dishes and on tope of that she has given me a whole list of things to do before lunch. Which are,

1. Clean all the silver wear

2. Arrange all the dishes in order of colour

3. Make her bed

4. Clean all her makeup brushes

And the list goes on and honestly its fool of nonsense.

As I was cleaning the guest room, I looked in the mirror for a while and, I dint like what I saw, I saw a broken woman trying to show that she cant be hurt by anyone in the world, like she has every single thing put together.But in real since I was broken, hurt, and abused physically, mentally, and emotionally, I was scared I was not the fun-loving Naomi people knew anymore.

You know when you tell yourself that things cant get to you well, I have learnt the hard way that that's I a very big lie.

Look at it like this you have been called stupid your whole life 10 to 20 years down the line how do you look at yourself? How is your self worth and esteem? Trash complete trash that's is you haven't recovered from it and found good loving people to help you het out of that state of mind.

It's  is okay to cry and feel sorry for yourself because that is the state I am in right now and I honestly think crying is the best remedy  it makes you feel released but the catch is, are you going to stay there and feel sorry for yourself or walk with your head held high and move on from that point of your life.

I really dont know but I am definitely going to finish cleaning this room before I get another beating of a life time which will be worse from the first.

After my pity party I continued to clean the room as I sang,But I was interrupted by lucifer herself.

"Alpha Ambrose is going to be here some time during this week and i want this whole pack house spick and span do you understand me", she said.

I just nodded my head because I didn't trust my voice right now.

"Oh and also relay this news to your fellow workers so the work can be done faster", she said as she walked anyway swaying her non existent hips.

when she closed the door of the room I immediately let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. The Alpha of the pack was coming, for all I know he could be on his way right now because Mandy has the tendency to tell me things literally one hour before hand. With that in mind I hurried to tell the others s we could all get to work. 

People say he was cursed by the Moon goddess herself but I dont want to know if that was true or not because I dont want any more problems then I already have. If the Alpha is coming that means we will need to prepare a room for him and that means more cooking because I heard he eats like a beast literally.

thanks for reading 

xoxo to all my readers 

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