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We've finally finished Chapter 1 after 48 years 10 months 30 weeks 15 days 5 hours and 2 seconds + .02 miliseconds

Joke... Okay its kinda corny (I won't do it again) lol


Moving on...

For the upcoming Chapter 2 with the title... Tut tut (its a secret... Okay I'm kidding, I still have yet to decided a title)

I'm listenin to a number of songs which gives me a feel of something and this is one of 'em.

This is by Urban Zakapa titled;
"I Hate You"

You can listen to it,  maybe you'd feel the jive too...

Chapter 2 will start at the end of this week.

Hope for your continuous support, votes and comments. It gives me strenght to write. Honestly.


Thank you...

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