Chapter 9.3- Can't I Love You

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Ae's POV

My heart skip a beat, when I heard him say my name. I don't know when it all started.

Is it when we first met.

Whe he first stood up to me when I bullied him.

When he help me.

When I saw him sleeping.

When he let me stay in his place.

When we had our first meal.

Whenever he smiles or look at me.

I kept recounting those moments. And yet I don't know how.

Its as if like, he had successfully managed to rein control on how I feel, just in the way he calls or say my name.

My happiness and pain all revolves around this person.

I understant now.

I have hopelessly and irevocably fell in love with this person.

I know that it's absurd, but somehow... it made me think,on not to give up on him.

I just know that whatever happens.

I want this person.

I want him to be mine.

I want him....

Just him...

I was gonna try to hold him again when, a very cheerful and annoying voice shatters the moment.


"Daili...", Ai Pete uttered softly.

I frown and immediately stared hard at the happily approaching girl, but this girl Daili didn't came alone.

She was dragging the arm of a tall guy. Who looks really bored and yet there was sort of an amusement playing on his eyes.

"Khuno, I thought you forgot about us", I heard her say as she suddenly flung herself on Ai Pete.My Pete.

Suddenly I see flashes of red filled my vision. I immediately grabbed her and separate her from Ai Pete. Both her and Ai Pete were shocked, and could only stare at me in astonishment.

"Ae!?", Ai Pete was looking at me, like he wants to scold me yet I tried to ignore this fact. I tightened my hand which was currently holding his wrist.

"What..?!", Daili was so shocked she could only open and close her mouth trying to say something. She tried to come towards Ai Pete.

"Don't touch him!", I snarled at her.

"Wait... Who... Wait", She was dumbfounded by the fact that someone was being mean to her.

"Ae how could you say that", I heard the hurt and annoyed tone on his voice.

"uhmmm... Khuno..this...who is this guy?", I can see that she was trying to stay calm.

"Daili...I'm sorry about this", its hurt how gentle he was speaking to her.

"No its alright, I was just caught off guard... Is he a new friend?". I heard her asked.

"ah Uhm... Y-",

"I AM HIS BOYFRIEND!", I stressed every word so that they could hear it, especially her.

There was a brief moment of silent.

I felt the person behind me slightly trembled.

"Eeehhhhhh!", I winced, this girl can scream. Really scream.

I felt a sudden tug on my shirt, I didn't bother to look at his face. Because right now, I'm afraid that I might falter. From his wrist I grabbed and hold his soft and cold hands.

"I don't believe you...My Khuno-", she stuttered. She was looking at me like I've grown two heads

"He isn't yours... He's mine", I argued back.

And he isn't really yours too. I heard a voice said inside my head.

"That can't be right...that can't be... Why would Khuno have a boyfriend... I know that he isn't gay", her voice was full of unhidden confusion.

"Whatever you say, It doesn't change the fact that he and I are in a relationship right now".

"I don't believe you", she told me, she looked at Ai Pete trying to urge him to talk and deny everything.

I gulped.

Silly me...

How could I just lie like this...

I declare being his boyfriend...

When clearly I am not.

But even if he denies it...

I won't give up...

Not in this life...

Not in the next...

And not right now...

"Khuno...",she called.

"Its true."




"Khuno, What did you said?!", her voice loud enough to fill the air.

What did he said?!

I turned to looked at him, that my neck  almost broke.

"Ai... Khun... Chai...", I uttered my endearment to him.

"He is my Boyfriend"






Didn't he...

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