Chapter 3.4 Beginning Of Conflicts

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Through the silent and darkness, I heard someone elses voice, it kept calling me softly, it felt like its begging for something. But my mind was hazy.

Somehow it sounded familiar, I tried searching my mind, for the owner of that voice, but unfortunately unable to find one.

I felt someone shaking me, as if in desperation, I felt something dropped on my face. it a tear...?

My mind was so foggy, my body aches all over like being hit by a car, eventhough I haven't been hit by one in the past. I do not think that it something serious, just the thought of going to the hospital added to the the pain that was infesting me right now, how I hate the smell of disinfectant, the sound of endless beeping, the fake worried face of those pretentious doctors and nurses, okay let's just say I hate anyone, its like a hobby of mine anyway.

The melachonly voice vanished, because of this a sudden fear crawled up from my heart, so desperate, slowly I tried to move my eyes.

Blurry at first, but little by little the image became clear, I almost gasp as I saw that face.


How come you're here

Why are you here

What about those bastard

Why do you have that look on your face

That expression doesn't suit you at all

With your eyes like watered glass...

Your somehow reddish face

Those lips...

"Ae! "

With a sudden realization.

Ah that was your voice...

That was you...

I saw as you got near me, reaching your hand but you stopped half way, why... don't you want to dirty your hands, I frown because of that thought and you flinched.

You are scared...

Scared of me...

I want to laugh, but failed, I have only managed to groaned in pain.

Damn those fuckers they really did a number on me, He promised they're gonna pay full time on what they did to him, especially that monkey, ow just you wait I'm gonna kill you slowly.

My murderous intent vanishes as my eyes wandered on Pete, he kept on worrying about me, when I saw him taking out his phone and begun dialing, I stopped him, I hate hospital for no apparent reason at all.

Again he tried to call my cousin, but I also stopped him. Pond, maybe my cousin, but I don't want him, to see me beaten like this, its what you called male ego, looking at me Pete sighed in exasperation.

I tried standing up but as I did I kinda staggered. He immediately walked towards and helped me, putting my arms around his shoulder, as the his other hands secured my waist, I flinched by his warmth, I know that if he would just looked at me, he'll see that my face is already burning either in embarassment or something I don't have a name yet.

Ae I told myself you are so fucking-


I felt him stay still for a while, but continue to accompanied me until we reach his car.

Sitting inside the car, I leaned on the side and try to calmed my breathing. Moments later, Pete asked where I live so he can send me home but I just blow up on him as usual,making him silent. The truth is I don't know how to talked to him, and it annoys me. I'm confuse.

Regaining my normal composure, I recalled the incident earlier, before loosing my consciousness that guy said something that really irked him.

That guy, was he really Pete's boyfriend or are they still in a relationship, when he first saw them, that guy looks like forcing himself on Pete.


Why am I even...

I HATE gays

I Hate Pete,

Why am I thinking of his relationship with others

It doesn't concern me.

'What happen Ae' , I asked myself.

"What really happen Ae?", Pete asked

'You happened...'

'You happened...'

'You happened...'

"YOU HAPPENED!", I shouted, but it wasn't meant for you, it was meant for me.

Seeing the shocked on your face.

I want to comfort you, but I'm a coward.

As my eyes lingers on you, little by little I slowly closed them and there was only darkness.


As I opened my eyes, this time the first thing that I saw was the unfamiliar ceiling, raising my hand I groaned, I noticed that my wounds were already been treated but, my body was still soar.

I tried sitting up but it took like forever, I leaned on the head board of the bed, breathing hardly, my eyes swept the entire surrounding and there, I saw you.

In front of me, on the sofa, you were in your blue stripes pajamas, sitting while sleeping, I can't really see your face clearly, but I know that it is you.

Having already gathered enough strength I stood up and walked slowly towards you, gently I sat beside you and stared at your face.

Staring at you like this without anyone noticing, feels like, meeting you for the first time.

I raised my cold shaking hand and gently touched your cheeks.


I noticed that you were about to wake up, and I wasn't disappointed, because when you did.


"Ae...? "

You called my name.

And it sparks the beginning of my conflicts.

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