Chapter 7.5 The Truth Untold

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Two years ago...

Cha Aim had just got off the car when she noticed a girl enthusiastically waving at her, slightly smiling she nodded and raise her hand motioning for the girl to come to her. Pouting the other girl run towards her and upon contact she tightly hugged her.

"Daili...too tight...",she tried to pushed her friend away but failed, she just let it be there was no stopping Daili from giving you her famous hug, yes this friend of her was known to be a 'Hug Monster', but only with her closest relatives and friends.

"Cha Aim, I've missed you...", the girl happily said.

"Oh please we've just met yesterday", she can't helped but roll her eyes.

Giggling Daili looked at her and stuck out her tongue and reluctantly loosen her hold.

"Cha Aim, you're so uptight... boys wont like that", the other made a funny face.

"You're to childish don't like that either", she rolled her eyes again as she crossed her arms.

"Don't you know they like girls that act cute the most, really Cha Aim you're so outdated...", Daili giggled putting both her hands under her heart shaped face forming them like a 'V'.

"I'm not... By the way are we gonna stay here all day long just standing", she said while fanning herself with her hands, it had been the start of summer season here in Thailand, different from Japan which was where she had been for the past three years, when her father decided to temporarily transfer there due to their company that was only newly established and needed to be focused on.

"Cha Aim you're no fun... Let's go inside I'll be your school guide for today", Daili grabbed her hand tugging her forward.

"Okay...", she gave her a nodded and the two of them entered the university.

Afternoon came, they were in the middle of chatting when her friend's phone started ringing, a moment later Daili excused herself because she was being called to a meeting at the Student Council, yes her friend is part of it as a secretary, she told her that it was okay and urging her to go. Finally nodding Daili left her inside a room saying the she will ve back shortly so they can go home together.

Cha Aim, scanned around the room, she stood up and walked towards the window, she was about to check the view outside when a faint melody passed her ears, she closed her eyes and submerged herself listening to the lovely but sad hymn. Opening her eyes she decided to search for the origin of the said music.

A moment later she had been walking along the corridor following the sound that was beginning to get distinctly louder and clearer as the summer breeze.

At the end of the patio she saw the last door and at the top was a board plate that states 'MUSIC AND ARTS DIVISION'.

She raised her hand towards the doorknob and slowly opened the room and there she saw what took her breathe away.

There she saw a person whose whole being was like an ethereal god bathe in the sun's light.

The said person has his eyes closed obviously feeling the music which he had been creating along with the piano.

Cha Aim through out her 16 years living in this world, was finally able to comprehend what the phrase 'Love at first sight' mean.

Her heart was beating loudly inside her chest. Her ears could only hear his music. Her eyes could only follow his enchanting hands playing the piano. And her mouth could only utter-

"I want to know his name"

Then silence came.

The moment came to a stop.

He looked at her.

She gazed at him.

He tilted his head and gave her a smile, she would dream every day and every night.

"Pete Pitchaya...", the boy softly said.

"Huh...?", she almost choked as she heard his voice.

"My name is Pete Pitchaya...nice to meet you...", he trailed off.

"Cha... Cha Aim Tawan!", she almost cursed herself for stuttering like that... not so lady like, her face instantly turned red.

He softly giggled, feeling embarassed she could only turned her head away. She doesn't like being in this kind of situation, she doesn't want him to know that she had been enticed by him. It was beneath her to show a lovestruck fool to a boy. She is Cha Aim Tawan a prodigy. The boy should be the one worshipping her, why...cause she's perfect.Thus calmly composing herself she inhaled then exhaled. Slowly she looked at him again but this time with a very stoic facade.

She walked towards him.

He end up staring up at her.

She liked that.

She like him.

"You play the piano quite well", she passively compliment him if you could called it a compliment.

"Thank you..." He smiled at her.

"What is it called...the music...", she asked still standing looking intently at his face, she was starting to loose herself to those eyes.

"The Truth Untold its a song...", he answered back breaking their eye contact he turned his focus on the piano.

"The title is interesting...", she said.

"Hmmmm...the song itself is indeed interesting it was based on the story of SMERALDO",


"It's a love story..."

"Oh I see that's why...", that's why it's the first time hearing the title she thought to herself, honestly she's not a fan of romance novel, she only hold great importance in Facts and Theory Concepts not those sappy cringe worthy stories, read by other dumb girls her age. But this time, she wont mind taking a swift look at that SMERALDO thing. Just for this boy Pete Pitchaya, she would...

And because of her being deep on her thought she failed to hear him say...

"I'ts a love story...a very sad one...",

"That's was our first time meeting, Ai Pete was really like an ethereal prince", my prince, Cha Aim softly said while holding her cup of coffee with a faint smile.

"Tsk!", the other person grunted in annoyance drinking his ice coffee.

Looking at him, she smirked annoying him farther.

"I'ts really a shame isn't it... that I met him first...thus we have a much longer connection than you...", she pointed out.

"You...", he gritted his teeth as his hand formed into a fist.

"Then should I continue...", ignoring his subtly threat she berated him more.

He could only glared at her, earning him her boastfull smile.

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