Chapter 6.4 Love, Jealousy & Rumors

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Pete's POV

"Cha Aim..."

"Ai Pete..."

There was a momentary silence between us. Thinking back, its been two years since I last saw her. And looking at her right now there was this feeling that something had changed in her, although he couldn't pin point what it was exactly.

This girl which had been his schoolmate in his former university, had her long hair cut short until it only reaches her slender shoulders. Her skin had also became more delicate than he remember. She still carries an elegant aura around her which often makes someone think first before starting a conversation with her. But her eyes...her eyes somewhat lose their arrogance. Eversince that day...perhaps...

Gently shaking my head, I gave her a low bow and smiled at her, I noticed that Cha Aim's eyes had widen, like she hadn't expect me to greet her like this.

"Ai...Pete...I", she looked at him with her teary eyes, she was biting her red lips as if trying to say something but was deliberating not to.

"How are you Cha Aim...", I said softly my smile not leaving my face. I tilted my head waiting for her to say something.

Her head suddenly turned away from me, blushing she immediately clutched the strap of her bag and with a sigh, she slowly stared at me like I was the only person she sees in this place.

"Ai Pete... I really want to-", she wasn't able to finished her sentencd when I felt a hand grabbed mine.

"Ae...", I exclaimed.

"Ai Pete...I thought you said you were going to the comfort room", Ae softly said looking at me with so much gentleness that I decided to looked away.

"Ai Pete...can we talk?", I almost forgot that I was still talking with Cha Aim.

I was about to agree when Ae beat me to it.

"No...", he said

"Ae...?!", shocked I looked at him wanting to complain.

"Ai Pete you promised to have dinner with me...meaning when you agreed... I presumed that it will only consist of us...", when the word 'us' left his mouth he looked straight at Cha Aim with his famous stare that made her gulped in return.

"Then I'll accompany you in the comfort room", with those words he grabbed my wrist and begun dragging me with him. Not having any choice, I could only gave an apologetic look to her who was silently staring at us, curious I followed her line of gaze and I felt my eyes twitched... when it fell on our bounded hands.

"It was nice seeing you Cha Aim...", I softly muttered.


"Who was that small eyed girl?!", Ae sternly asked as we entered the men's comfort room. He was so near me,that my back was already touching the cold wall while his arms both caging me as if I was his...


"She was my schoolmate at my former university", swallowing hard I lowered my head not looking at his deep dark eyes.

"Are you sure that she's only a 'schoolmate'?, he continued right after I answered him. He placed his hand under my chin forcing me to looked at him, it was like he was trying to decipher if I was saying the truth or not.

I felt shivers as those eyes continued to bore on me.

Why do I feel...

Like I'm gonna drown...

If I kept on staring at his eyes...



Confused, I just nodded my head as affirmation.

" Then why does she looked at you like that... ", I could almost feel the warmth of his breathe and it tingled something within me.

" Like what Ae...? ", I gasped as his faced was slowly leaning towards me. I want to cry but I can't.

Why Am I being interrogated like this...

He was still staring at me, when suddenly he stopped and for a moment he just stood there silently like he wanted to say something but in the end he just let out a deep sigh.

" Nevermind... I'll just...just wait for you outside...", turning his gaze away from me, he slowly stepped back and abruptly walked out of the room leaving me standing there all alone.

And it made me think for a moment as the memory of him earlier flashed through my mind.

Why does it feels that...

Without him here...

This place...

Suddenly felt so cold...

Looking at myself on the mirror hanging on the wall made me gasped.

Why do you have that expression...

Pete Pitchaya...


The dinner we had was very delicious and delightful. Ae had been a very accomodating host. It was so cute listening to him, as he tell the story of why their ancestor had decided to build an italian restaurant here at Thailand.

Its great seeing him being so talkative like this, it made me feel that I'am slowly learning new things about him. And it made me really happy.

We were already inside the car when I remembered that my car was still parked on the school grounds.

" car...", I told him, worried.

"Don't worry Ai Pete, I ordered one of my men to take your car directly to your unit.

" But keys...? ", I asked confused.

" My men are all exceptional", he briefly explained, as he started the engine of the car.

I could only nod and smile gratefully at him.

We had arrived in front of the condominium building, after giving my thanks to Ae, I was about to get off of the car when he grabbed me again.

Am I a stuffed toy...

Always grabbing me like this...

Im still much taller than you...

Aiishh this kid...

"Did you enjoy our dinner?", he asked I can see the nervousness from his voice.

"I really did Ae...", I noticed that Ae always wants to be reassured of certain things.

"Then...", he continued.

"Then...?", I could only blinked twice as he held my hands, looking at me he smiled.


"Then have dinner with me from now on na..."

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