3 - Be Mine?

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(Art by argodeon on Tumblr!)

It was currently heavily raining outside. Thomas has made himself comfortable on the couch with ice cream and...tears. Maybe chocolate ice cream would make him feel better about the fact that he probably got rejected that day. He wasn't 100 percent sure, but since he didn't get an answer, he assumes it.

Funny image, the great politician Thomas Jefferson, 27 years old, sitting on his couch with a spoon of ice cream in his mouth and the box of it in his lap, wrapped up in a blanket in his sweatpants and tank-top, crying.

Today at the office, he decided to tell James what he felt for him. He was so nervous and scared that this could destroy their friendship of 2 years. After he confessed, he noticed Madison was just staring at him with panic in his eyes...and then running away without saying a word. That...hurt...

Thomas didn't know if they should talk about this ever again, or if they would ever even talk again. He didn't want to lose him, but he also didn't want to push James into something he wouldn't want.

He then heard a knock at his door. Sniffling, and not even caring about how pathetic he looks like at the moment, he got up and proceeded to the door, the spoon still in his mouth. He opened the door and was shocked to see Madison standing in front of him.

Oooooooooh frick. (*Jaiden Animation's voice*)

He was suddenly really embarrassed. If someone else would stand there, he wouldn't give a single shit. Literally anyone else. But it's James. Of all people it's James who sees him like this.

He panicked and quickly put the spoon out of his mouth, "I- uh...I'm sorry...this is not how you're supposed to see me..."

He paused to examine Madison further. He was wet from the rain, there was literally no dry spot to be seen on him or his office clothes (which btw looked amazing on him). He was breathing heavily, apparently he had been running as well, besides the fact that he held something behind his back.

"No, Thomas, listen. I am sorry. Very sorry. I apologize for running away like a coward. I just panicked and- ", he paused to catch his breath. "And I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to tell you that I feel the same for you for a long time now." He pulled up a bouquet of flowers from behind his back and offered them to Thomas. "I'm so sorry, again. Please, I'm sorry." He looked down as his voice cracked, and he was sniffling, almost crying, too. James felt so stupid for his actions and would give anything to make up for it.

Thomas suddenly pulled James into a tight hug, surprising the latter and "sorta" crashing the flowers.

"It's okay. We have each other now", he whispered into James' ear, feeling him hugging back. They pulled away and Thomas lead him inside. "I'll get you a towel."

After a moment, Thomas came back with a towel for James and a vase for the flowers.

"Thank you, Tommy", James said, gratefully taking the towel. He then suddenly sneezed like four times in a row.

"Have I ever told you how adorable it is that you sneeze like a kitten?", Thomas asked smiling, remembering the fact how easily James could get sick. He noticed that James was now shivering and quickly looked for some clothes that were a bit too small for him but might also be a bit too big for James. Better than nothing, though.

James thanked him once again and got changed in the bathroom. Once he was done, he walked towards the couch where Thomas was waiting for him, ready to wrap him up in a blanket and cuddle the shit out of him.

And so they laid there in a comfortable silence, being happy to finally call themselves more than just friends. James leaned his head on Thomas' shoulder and wrapped one arm around his waist. The latter laid an arm around the smaller man's shoulder, his other hand holding James', their fingers intertwined. Before dozing off, James muttered a quiet "I love you", to which Thomas responded with a kiss on his forehead and a "I love you, too", his eyelids feeling heavy.

(717 words)

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