19 - Gastroenteritis

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A/N: This is based on a real story. I had the stomach flu when I was in 8th Grade and I couldn't go to school for 2 weeks, and now I thought "welp, might as well turn it into a Jeffmads Sickfic." So here we are. I basically turned my whole story into this, so all the symptoms have been experienced and thus everything sick related here is true, lmao.
College AU.

Warning: Mentions of vomiting!

James woke up next to his still sleeping boyfriend. He surprisingly didn't feel tired which was weird because he usually needed about ten minutes or even more to get out of bed every day. He sat up and concluded that it was probably one of those rare mornings where he, for some reason, had enough energy to immediately get up and feel good.

He changed into a grey sweater and blue jeans before walking over to the still sleeping Thomas, kissing him on the cheek. "Wake up, Thomas, we gotta go to class."

Thomas rolled over and curled up. "Mmmmm...I don't wanna...," he mumbled, burying his face deeper into the pillow.

"Alright, then. I guess I'm not gonna make you Mac and Cheese for the next two weeks", James said, trying to sound serious while crossing his arms.

"I'm up- "

* * *

As Thomas was getting ready, James started to feel sick. He didn't think much of it though and decided to ignore the slight aching in his stomach.

But before both of them wanted to head out, he couldn't help but ran to the bathroom and throw up, leaving a worried-looking Thomas standing by the door.

"James?" Thomas asked, heading towards the bathroom. "Honey, do you wanna stay here for today?" He was now poking his head into the room, seeing James slowly standing up, letting the toilet flush down what he had just thrown up.

"No, no, I'm fine," James said, washing his hands and mouth.

"I don't think so."

"Thomas, just leave it. It's okay, I had dealt with-"

...Worse. At least that's what James wanted to say before he had to stop mid-sentence to run back to the toilet, puking once more. Thomas turned and went back to their bedroom, grabbing an extra fluffy blanket from the closet. Once James stepped out of the bathroom, Thomas wrapped the blanket around him and picked him up bridal style, carrying him to their bed.

"Thomas! Put me down, I'm not a baby!" James pouted.

"Yes, you are. You are my baby" Thomas smirked, kissing James softly on his forehead. "So, what's wrong, hun?" he asked, so that he knew which kind of medicine James needed.

"My stomach feels like shit" James answered, curling up and crossing his arms over his abdomen.

"Anything else?" Thomas asked worriedly, gently stroking his boyfriend's shoulder.

"No, not at the moment..." The other said, shaking his head slightly as he looked away.

Thomas got up and searched for the meds that simply should stop or at least ease stomach aching. After he found it, he also got a glass of water for James, knowing how horrible the medicine tasted. Once James took the medication, Thomas assured him to take notes for him and left their dorm, even though he wanted to stay and take care of his sick boyfriend.

* * *

Throughout the day, James began to feel sicker and sicker. He had a fever of 102°F and took more medicine, hoping the symptoms would soon disappear as he distracted himself by watching TV. He coughed a lot, threw up every now and then and even has a headache to deal with now.

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