13 - Confessions

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A/N: Ay, a part 2 from the last story. It's all based on a Tumblr post from @ /lamsandmullettetext. I put an external link (idk if it worked) and the screenshots at the end.

Editor: ButterySalt

The taller woman went to hug James tightly, she was just so cute! "Thomas, your high-pitched voice doesn't make things easier... P-please let me go, I need to breathe," James said irritatedly, rubbing his temples once Thomas released him.

"Sorry, hon."

"How are we going to change back?"

"I don't know, but I'm enjoying the view," Thomas said with a smirk, sitting next to him on the bed. "You look stunning as a woman, and I know what I'm talking about." Thomas kissed James' cheek, but the latter pushed him away shortly after.

"You might be enjoying it. You're attracted to women as well, but for me it's extremely uncomfortable."
"Right, sorry." Thomas paused for a second, questioning himself if he should really say the following thing. Fuck it. "But just so you know, if I were a man, I would be totally har-"

"THOMAS!" James punched him on the shoulder. "I don't wanna hear it!"

The other man chuckled. "Sorry, baby."

"Should we check on the others to see if they've changed as well?" James suggested, rubbing the back of his neck. Thomas' expression faltered. "Of course! It's all Hamilton's fault!"

James gave him a doubtful look. "How in the world could he be responsible for this?"

"You never know when a gremlin turns into a magic one."

"You're such an idiot," James chuckled, getting up and offering his hand to Thomas which he gratefully took. "C'mon, let's go."

* * *

Once the pair could see the door to the dorm which belonged to the "Hamilsquad" (Alex's idea), Thomas started running towards it and knocking harshly on the wood. "Open up, asshole!"

"Thomas, behave or else we can't get them to help us out of this situation!" James whisper-yelled, rushing towards his boyfriend...girlfriend...whatever.

Alexander opened the door with an annoyed look. "What the fuck do you want? We're kinda busy he-"

Thomas grabbed the collar of Hamilton's shirt and dragged him inside. "What. Have you done. To my body?" he growled. James walked up to him and patted his shoulder. "Calm down and let him go.

"I don't have anything to do with this!" Alex yelled as Thomas set him down, releasing his grip.

"See?" James told his taller partner.

"Why is this happening then? James and I just woke up like this and when I looked in the mirror as usual to look at my gorgeous self, I saw myself with boobs!"

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm a woman, too. As well as John, Lafayette and Hercules. We all gotta calm down and think of a way to fix this."

"And what exactly do think we're gonna do about this, Hamilslut?" Thomas said, crossing his arms.

"Shut the fuck up, Jeffershit!"

Hercules stepped between the two just in time to prevent a physical fight. "Alright, bitches, calm down and let's think of a plan."

That's when John got up from the couch and started walking towards them. James noticed that he looked as comfortable as he felt himself.

"What if this is all just a punishment and we need to confess something we did. This might eventually turn us back," he suggested. Everyone in the room started looking guilty, especially James. He was extremely nervous, and it seemed like he was about to blurt something out of nowhere. Thomas looked at John very doubtfully before he spoke. "I don't think that will-"

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