21 - Baby

820 40 21

A/N: Prompt 49, 51, 108, 151 and 154: 

"Let's have a baby."
"I want to take care of you."
"Are you hitting on me?"
"I can't feel my legs!"
"There's only one bed..."

Oh, bOI that was a challenge! I tried to build in all of those, even though not all of the quotes are word for word the same. Also, there's a quote from Dick Figures in there- if you know that YouTube series ;)

Requested by AND-PEGGY_

Editor: ButterySalt

Vacation in Paris, France. What a great idea to check the place out a bit before getting married in two months. Thomas and James were currently at a bar, not far from their hotel. There was just one problem - James was totally wasted.

It's not like him to be like this and Thomas knows that. He figured something must be bothering him, but James couldn't get himself to talk to his fiancé about it.

Thomas didn't drink a single drop, knowing that they were completely lost if the only one of them who spoke French wouldn't be able to guide them home safely.

Thomas was sitting on a high stool at the bar, watching his fiancé's every move, not wanting to lose him in the crowd. He saw him approaching - or more like stumbling - towards him.

"Heyyyyy, Tommyyyy~" James slurred.

"Hey, darling," the taller man replied, steadying James by placing his hands on the other's hips. James had a goofy grin plastered on his face.

"Let's have a baby!" James said. Woah. That came out of nowhere.

Thomas blinked. "Uh... James, we're not even married, yet. Are you okay?"

"Aw, c'mon Tommy, I've been wanting to ask you for a rreeeaallllyyyy long time..." James paused to think. "Okay, maybe not that long, but th' point is-" he took one step back and pointed at Thomas. "I finally got the courage to tell you."

Oh. So that's up with the drinking.

Thomas decided to discuss this subject when James is sober once again. He would love to have a family with James, but not yet. He wasn't ready. He wanted to spend one or two years with James as his husband alone before getting a child.

He finally spoke. "Uh-huh, we'll talk about it later."

"Nooooooo," James whined. "Now, c'mon. Baby, now." He was grinning again as he moved his hands around Jefferson's torso. It took Thomas a moment to realize what he was up to.

"Are you hitting on me?"

James' smile faded away. "Whaaaaat, noooooooo."

Thomas raised an eyebrow. Man, alcohol really messes James up, especially when he doesn't even drink often. Jefferson exhaled, starting to worry about his fiancé.

"Alright, let's get you home, shall we?"

James pouted again. "But I wanna stay here."

"Hell, no. This isn't good for you."


"Please, James, I want to take care of you. How many drinks did you even get?"

James blushed and looked down, embarrassed.

"Did you lose count?" Thomas asked and tilted his head to the side.

"No..." James replied, his answer sounding more like a question. "I've had two shots and a beer... I guess."

Thomas' eyes widened as he smiled. "Now, that's cute! You're so wasted but you drank nothing compared to what I drink when I'm like you!" He laughed.

"Shush. Sh-ssshhhut up," James said, slightly pushing Thomas' shoulder, but instead of Thomas, he was the one who tumbled backwards.

"Wow, babe, you're really drunk. I better get you home," Thomas said, wanting to take James' hand, but the latter stepped away.

"YEAH, RIGHT! I'm fiiiiinne! I ain't never puked from throwing up!" He yelled, making wild gestures with his arms.

The taller man just stared at him, giving him a confused look. "Uuuuhh...you mean drinking?"

James gasped. "Drinking! Drinking! Drinking! Drinking!" He started to walk away as he cheered, but Thomas grabbed him by the arm.

"No, no, no, no, no. We're going. C'mon, darling," Thomas said, leading James out of this place.

* * *

When they finally arrived at their hotel, James stopped at the stairs before the entrance of the building and tucked at Thomas' shirt.

"What is it?" The taller man asked.

"Can't feel my legs," James muttered.

Without another word, Thomas picked him up bridal style, making James yelp, and carried him towards the elevator.

"I'm not so sure if I like this or not..." James said, squinting his eyes at Thomas. "Do I even weight anything to you?"

"Oh, honey, please. I've carried you multiple times during the time we've been together," Thomas chuckled, giving James a quick kiss on the cheek.

They arrived at their room and Thomas struggled to open the door with one hand. James was almost asleep in his arms. Almost.

As soon as Thomas opened the door, James tried to jump off Thomas' arms.

"Imma sleep on the top of the bunk bed!!!"


"Ow." James lay on the ground, face-first, his legs still unable to carry him.

Thomas laughed at the sight of his beloved. "Here, let me help you, darling," he said as he tried lifting his fiancé again.

Once again in the taller man's secure arms, James cheered; "Bunk bed, bunk bed, bunk bed, bunk bed, bunk-"

"James, there's only one bed...a double bed, to be specific." Thomas interrupted him.


Thomas placed James on the bed carefully and ruffled his hair.

"Please try to sleep, alright, dear?"

"Mhm, 'kay," James muttered, his eyes already closed.

"Goodnight, darling."

"Night," James said back, and Thomas kissed his forehead softly before going to lie down beside him.

So, James can't wait to have children. Thisis new. Thomas never knew this side of him which could be another reasonwhy James refused to tell him sober. He didn't have to hide anything from him,though. He didn't have to be embarrassed. They always tell each othereverything, and so they'll do tomorrow.    

(903 words)

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