17 - Drugged Up

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A/N: This is from iCarly. Great show. Love it. College AU
Editor: ButterySalt

James was at the hospital. He somehow managed to break his nose in a way that even the doctors struggled to fix. While he was being taken care of in the ER, his best friend, Thomas sat impatiently in the waiting area, full of worry. After a while, a doctor walked towards him. 

"You're Thomas Jefferon, right?" the woman asked the young man.

"Yes, is he going to be okay?"

"He's fine, he's just asking for you. I'll lead you to him," she assured him.

Thomas thanked her and she lead him through the hallway towards the room James was in. "It was a very difficult break, so we had to use more morphine than usual. Be careful in there. If you need anything, just call a nurse," the doctor said, giving him a slight smile before moving.

Thomas softly knocked at the door before opening it. James was still in his normal clothes and not sitting in a bed, but he sat on a recovery couch, back leaning against the wall. He had a patch on his nose.

"Hey, buddy. How's it goin'?" Thomas asked carefully after closing the door and walking over to his friend.

"'M okayyy," James said groggily, staggering a bit. He had a tired look on his face, but it was only because of the hospital drugs, Thomas was sure. 

"Wow, they've actually given you the real good stuff, huh?" Thomas chuckled as he sat down next to the smaller college student.

"Mmmm, I guess..." James paused for a moment. "Who're you exactly? 'Cuz you're rreeallyyy handsummm" he slurred, leaning forward a bit. Thomas laughed, trying to hide his nervousness as a shade of pink covered his cheeks.

"Heh, I- uhm. T-thank you, James. You don't look bad yourself," he said, forgetting to mention who he was. 

There was a pause.


"What?" Thomas chuckled. 

"It's gone."

Thomas was confused. "What's gone, Jemmy?"

"My thumb...it was here just a sec ago...now it's gone..." James said, examining his slightly clenched fist, looking for his thumb which was covered by his other fingers.

Thomas let out a loud laugh. "James!" He tried to compose himself. "You're so adorable when you're on drugs!" After he calmed down, he took James's fist in his hand and opened it for him, revealing his thumb, "Look, there it is." 

"Oh my gosh, you're a magician!" James said as enthusiastically as he could in his intoxicated state. Before Thomas could say anything else, he was interrupted by his friend again. 

"Hey, Handsome Dood," James said, shaking Thomas's shoulder slightly, a goofy grin spread across his face. "Hey, hey, do you know Thomasss?" 

The taller man giggled. "Yes, I know Thomas." 

"You wanna hear a secret?" 

"Uhm, sure, why not?" 

James tried to give him a serious look by raising an eyebrow, but failed due to his drugged mind. "C'mere," he said, one hand grabbing his shoulder, the other pulling on his hair slightly to get him closer so he could whisper his secret into Thomas's ear. 

"Ow, James, careful with the hair," Thomas said, but his friend didn't listen, only pulling his hair a bit up, trying to get his face close to Thomas' ear.

Funny image, picture this: James was almost lying on his side, only his elbow supporting his weight while Thomas had one arm in front of James and the other behind him to prop himself up, not wanting to land on his smaller friend.

James whispered, or at least tried to, into Thomas's ear. "I love ice creeeaaaammm."

Thomas chuckled, trying to ignore his friend's grip on his hair. "I already know that, Jemmy. That's not a secret."

"Alright, c'mere," he said.

"I'm already here, James."

It seemed like James was thinking for a second before speaking again. "That Thomas. Is very handsome. Almost as handsome as you, and not such a blurry mess."

Thomas laughed slightly at his friend's silliness as his cheeks became a deep shade of pink again.

"And?" he asked.

"And you know what?"


James took a deep breath. "I reeeeaaaallyyy looove himmm," he whisper-yelled, loosening his grip on Thomas' hair.

The taller man had NOT expected this. Everyone else would think this couldn't have been more obvious, but Thomas was shocked at the moment.

"Wh-what?" he manged to say.

James moved closer to Thomas again. "I said, I really looove him."

That's when Thomas jumped. "WHAT?!" he screamed.

"Shhhhh. But don't tell Thomas. I still wanna kiss him mm, ya know?" James slurred, smiling.

"WHAT?!" Thomas yelled even louder than before.


'He...he likes me...' Thomas thought happily, trying to calm down. Seriously, this couldn't be any better for him, even though it had been a shock at first.

"Hey, Handsome Dood," James said out of nowhere. 

"Y-yes, Jemmy?" 

James had a goofy smile plastered on his face."I'm a Disney Princess!"


(816 words)

A/N: Oof, should I make a part 2???

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