20 - Insomnia

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A/N: Prompt 152: "Stop sending me weird stuff so late at night."

Requested by KitKatClapBack

Editor: ButterySalt

Bzz. Bzz.

Madison's phone had buzzed at around two am for the first time. He was lying awake in his bed now, phone in one hand and staring at the ceiling with irritation. It was currently 20 minutes after 2:00 and he was sick of Jefferson texting him at this hour. He wanted to go back to sleep.

"Do you think a big ass giant macaroni could invade earth one day?" the latest message said.

James huffed as he read the text and typed: "Are you sure you're not drunk?"

"No, I'm serious."

"If that's serious to you, I don't wanna know what's weird in your head."

There was a minute of silence, the three dots at the bottom of the phone's screen informed Madison that Jefferson was typing. Probably another weird late-night thought.

"Did you know I once had a bird named Dick?"

Madison actually laughed at that, slightly, but still a laugh. He texted back.


Then another text.

"Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night. It's past 2 in the morning and I was already up all night yesterday."

"Oho, what where you doing? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" Jefferson's message said.

"Kinky ass, I was working."

"I'm just joking, honey." James knew Thomas was smirking.

Jefferson's insomnia was annoying sometimes, but if Madison was with him at the moments they happen, he would always comfort him.

All of a sudden, Thomas called him. James first thought about picking up, but he didn't. He let the phone ring until it was over.

"Why aren't you picking up?" Jefferson asked afterwards.

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Ugh, oh God," Madison muttered to himself. Then he started to type again.

"I'd fall asleep if I talk to you now. Wouldn't benefit anyone."

"Why would you fall asleep?" Thomas smirked behind that message. Again. Shit, how come that he knew James so well? Oh, yeah. They know each other for a long time.

"I'm tired? It's late, Thomas."

"But you wouldn't fall asleep by texting me?"

"I don't know..."

Thomas chuckled as he shook his head. "C'mon darling, what's with my voice? Tell me." How did he know it was about his voice??

"No." Oof, that sounded cold.






"You're annoying."

"I won't stop until you tell me. I've got time, and so do you."

James inhaled sharply. "Sometimes you're a bitch," he muttered.

"Fine." he typed. "Your voice is calming, okay?" He was blushing now, too embarrassed to admit it.

"Aw, I knew you loved me."

"Thomas, we've been together for two years."

"Yeah, but still. You don't say it often."

There was a pause and James actually thought he could finally have some peace, even though he felt bad now. Well, he thought wrong.

"I was going to ask you something important," Thomas texted him.

Madison rose a brow at that.

"If it's so important, wouldn't you rather tell me in person?"

"Can't wait."

"Then tell me now."

"Through SMS? How unromantic."

"And calling me at this hour is romantic when I tell you I wanna sleep?"

A pause. Again. Then Jefferson texted a "fine" and the dots where there once again.

"I was going to ask you if you'd like to move in with me."

Madison's eyes widened. He was about to throw his phone out of the window. He will have to teach Thomas how to be fucking patient. (ONE TAUGHT ME LOVE, ONE TAUGHT ME PATIENCE-)

"You idiot, this question should be asked in person!"

"Sorry," the taller man typed. "But what do you say?"

"We'll discuss this tomorrow. I'm going to stay at your place and we'll see what we can do with your sleep problems, alright?"

Madison smiled to himself as he already thought of a few things that would always calm Thomas down. Like moving his hand through his hair or giving him lazy kisses. Maybe a boring ass movie. Or reading to him.

"Yeah, sounds great. Thank you, hun," Jefferson typed. "Sorry for keeping you up."

Madison smiled warmly. "It's okay, dear."

"Goodnight," Jefferson messaged with a heart emoji next to it.

"Good morning," Madison typed back with a grin on his face and switched the device on stand-by. Both of them wouldn't have a long day at work tomorrow, so maybe he could help Thomas to sleep early.

(722 words)

A/N: Wow, fml, this sucked. I deeply apologize for this.

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