29 - Ethanol Causes Pain

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A/N: Prompt 134: "Was I really that drunk?" (Saved it for Madison's birthday ;))

Requested by _-Levi-Ackerman-_

Editor: ButterySalt

Fact: Ethanol CH3- CH2- OH is the poisonous ingredient in alcohol which makes it to the alcohol we know, causing hangover and nausea and all that shit...wOW one of the very few interesting things I learn in fucking chemistry class XD

It was a late March 16th at Kings College, New York. Madison's birthday has given Thomas the best opportunity (and excuse) to spoil his boyfriend, whether James liked it or not. The last thing Thomas wanted to show him was what it was like to drink alcohol now that he'd turned twenty-one. James had surprisingly agreed with that; he had always wanted to know how Thomas felt when he was shit-faced. The words, "underage drinking" were very familiar to him.

It was currently 10 pm at a party Thomas had hosted for James and the latter had already downed a few drinks. That explains his non-stop shit-talk. Thomas stayed sober to keep an eye on him and to make sure James wouldn't hurt himself or do anything stupid. He had absolutely no idea his boyfriend's usual calm and intelligent self could be the complete opposite when drunk. That was the last thing he had ever expected from him.

As funny as it was to watch James laugh at literally anything or stand on a table acting weird, Thomas began to worry.

"James!" Thomas tried to be louder than the music for James to hear him. The latter just chugged down another shot.

"James, come down! This is your first time, it's not good for you to drink that much!" Thomas looked around the room for help when he spotted Aaron who had been recording the whole scene. "Aaron! Stop filming and help me!"

"Come on, dude! This is probably the only time I'll ever see James drunk," he said as he approached Thomas who seemed tense when he saw James pulling out his phone from his pocket and search through his contact list. (Thomas is tall enough to see that)

"James, what are you doing?"

"Imma call ma parens!" He slurred and turned the phone on speaker. The device rang for a bit before his mother picked up.

"Hey, mom! Get dad here, please!"

Thomas didn't like where this was going while Aaron on the other hand just kept recording.

"Hey, dad! I just wanna tell ya folks that I'm hELLA GAY!!" James shouted into his phone and laughed. All Thomas could think of at that very moment was 'shit!'

Aaron turned his head to face Thomas who didn't look away from his boyfriend, still in slight shock. "He hadn't told them yet?!"

"Apparently not!"

"Well, are they supportive?!"

"I don't know! I think his mother is, but I'm not sure about his dad!"

They both looked back at James before Aaron started talking again, "This is going to be so much fun to show him tomorrow."


"What? Just imagine: Him, having a massive hangover with no idea of what happened the night before! I can basically see it in front of my eyes how he'll say 'I'm never drinking again.'"

Thomas gave him a disapproving look. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Ask my therapist," Burr simply answered.

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