15 - College Stress

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A/N: Very creative title, I know. I just dozed off like James while I was studying for my upcoming math test and I thought "fuck math, this'll make a great Jeffmads fiction." It's 2:34, I don't want to see a single fucking diagram anymore.

Madison was typing on his laptop, eager to finish this damn essay as soon as possible. The words in his head were put down on the document in front of him, eyes never leaving the bright screen. It was almost two in the morning, and even though he had had been awake for much longer in his life than only 2 am, he found himself forgetting what he was wanting to type, getting more and more tired by every passing minute.

Trying to pull himself together, and resisting the urge to fall asleep right now and then, he buried his face in his hands, rubbing his face, collecting himself and trying to ignore the dizziness. When he was looking up at the screen again, he noticed that he couldn't think of anything more to say.

Shit, he thought to himself. He had to get this stupid thing done.

Resting his chin on his hand, James just sat there, staring at the essay and trying to come up with a few more arguments. His half-opened eyes wandered across the dorm where Thomas lay in his bed, sound asleep. It was a peaceful sight and James would have loved to join him, but as the stubborn young man he was, he couldn't yet.

His eyelids became heavier and without even fully noticing it, James sank his head slowly down on the book which was placed right in front of his computer. He closed his eyes, promising himself he would get back up in a few minutes.

He had to get up, but he could barely move.

"Get up, you lazy fuck, and finish this damn essay," he muttered to himself, but he still didn't move.

His laptop suddenly exhausted air louder than a few minutes ago, making Madison reopen his eyes quickly. He was thankful the device got him back on track after a few minutes, just as he had planned. Sure, the rest was good, just moving his head off the book after said minutes made him even dizzier than he was before. He started to write again, slower than before, but at least he could think of something. That didn't last long, though.

* * *

Thomas woke up that night, noticing that a dim light lit the room. He glanced at the clock on his night stand.

3:48 AM.

Thomas sighed, "alright, that's it," before his eyes wandered across the room. James was still at his desk.

He got out of bed and made his way to his boyfriend. "James, you need to-"

Thomas was surprised to see that James had fallen asleep, his head resting on one arm, the other lying next to it on the table.

Gosh, he's so adorable, Thomas thought to himself, a small smile spreading across his face.

He turned off the small lamp on the desk and let his eyes adjust to the room's darkness for a few moments. Then, the taller man carefully picked James up bridal style, not even interrupting the soft snores coming from him.

He placed him gingerly on his bed before climbing in himself and covering them with his blanket. Thomas gave James a quick kiss on the cheek and rested his hand on his boyfriend's waist, hugging him. However, the latter suddenly stirred, making Thomas freeze.

Shit, you woke him up, you dumbass, Thomas thought.

"Thomas...," James muttered, his voice thick with sleep.

"Yes, baby?"

"Why is our cat green?" he asked.

"...What...?" Thomas asked him confused.

"Why's the cat green?" James repeated himself.

It took Thomas a moment to realize what he had just said. What cat? We don't even have a cat.

Then he remembered that his boyfriend sometimes tends to sleep-talk. Smiling to himself, he decided to keep up the play and told James that he didn't know why any cat should be green, but James was back to snoring again.

Thomas kissed James' cheek once again, chuckling. "Goodnight, Jemmy."

Sometimes he really wishes he was prepared for his boyfriends' sleep-talks to record him.

(670 words)

A/N: My sister sometimes talks in her sleep and it's the scariest thing ever being awake at 4 am and suddenly hearing someone talking. She mostly talks about weird shit; once she asked me how tall our cat is, another time she was pissed at me without a reason XD

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