A Little Friendly Competition (LOTR)

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Mae govannen, mellyn! Welcome to our first LOTR article in this book. *the audience sighs and cheers in exaggeratory relief* Yes, yes, I know, my dear little Hobbitses. I know you must be absolutely thrilled to no longer see constant HTTYD articles (for those of you who aren't in the fandom), but such relief will only be temporary, for I will eventually return to writing HTTYD articles. *gives evil laugh*

(Why? Because HTTYD is my main fandom and because there are SO MANY THINGS TO TALK ABOUT!!!)

Anyway, I apologize for not posting a LOTR article sooner. I was taking part in Silverhand's OC Contest and now it has ended (unfortunately, I wasn't able to post all my entries in time before the deadline last night). And there are other LOTR topics I wanted to get into, but they're really broad and detailed topics and it will take me quite a bit of time compiling all the info for them. Hence is why you don't see me post LOTR articles a whole lot.

Okay, now on to our first topic in this fandom.


A Head Count:

How many Orcs did Aragorn slay?

I haven't a clue. The scoreboard's busted! *taps scoreboard) lol XD

But seriously, from the books and the movies, we see Legolas and Gimli competing to see who gets the most kills. In "The Two Towers", Gimli won by one point (42 vs 41 in the books; and 43 vs 42 in the movies). 

However, after that, Tolkien doesn't bother keeping score during the Siege of Gondor/Battle of Pelennor Fields (please correct me if I'm wrong!) nor during the Battle of Morannon, though it's not hard to imagine that they were doing it still.

But Aragorn is not seen nor mentioned to have taken part in this competition. But it's obvious that in every fight, he's slaughtered more men/orcs than both of them. So is he just too serious to take part in fun games of war? Perhaps. Or perhaps he was too focused on focusing from being focused down by multiple enemies to focus on counting. XD

It could also be that Aragorn didn't want to hurt his friends' feelings and discourage them. After all, it's not easy being in the shadow of a kick-butt, handsome, brave, wise, solemn, kingly Dunadan warrior-chieftain-king that's been trained by the best Orc-hunters in Middle-Earth. He needs to let them have their fun too. lol XD

Or could it be that he was unaware of this impromptu competition? After all, you can be so focused on staying alive that one can hardly hear two friends counting numbers as if yelling a war cry.

And it could be that Legolas and Gimli INTENTIONALLY left him out of their little bet because they KNOW how kick-butt and how awesome of an orc-hunter he is, and they KNOW that Aragorn will beat them every single time without even breaking a sweat. So why doom themselves? As a result, Aragorn was left out of this competition! Poor Aragorn. :'(

Unless the less "mean" reason could be that they're competing to see who will be Aragorn's best man (or best companion? They're not really MEN, per se) during his wedding to Arwen. However, we don't know what the bet was, nor whether or not who won. So we don't know who became the best man. But we do know one thing: Frodo was the Ringbearer! Tehehe! XD ;-D

What do you guys think? Who do you think became his best man at his wedding?

Also, who do you think would've won had Aragorn joined Legolas and Gimli in the competition?



Thank you, mellyn, for reading this first LOTR article. This is shorter and funnier than you probably expected, but I'm tired, and giddy, and I wanted to write something relatively light. I'll be working on another LOTR article here in another week or two. My loose plan is to write an article every two weeks. Reason why is because I'm going to be very busy writing. I'm going to try and see if I can't get something published and start earning an income.

I hope you enjoyed this article. If you guys have any ideas concerning LOTR topics that you'd like to see, please write in the comments and give me a couple or even a list of ideas. Also some ideas for Narnia articles would be helpful as well.

Have a great week, mellyn!

Long Live the Night!

- Noctus Fury


Word Count: 750 words


Date Published: 10/09/18

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