The Light Fury's Abilities Explained (HTTYD)

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Hey, everyone. Noctus here! This was SUPPOSED to be an update for "Is the Light Fury a Mary Sue?" -- like AGES ago!!! -- but I was a plum pudding and FORGOT! I'm STILL beating myself up that I had forgotten to post this last year. 

This video shown above was on Youtube not long after I posted the article "Is the Light Fury a Mary Sue?". So when you guys started posting comments informing me of the Light Fury's abilities, I had forgotten to post this, accompanied with the video, and let people know that I had already known this information by the time they had commented. 

So thank you guys for the wonderful comments and I'm SO SO sorry that I was a complete AIRHEAD and forgot to post this last year. As I've said, I was planning on posting this soon after the video was posted on Youtube about a month or two after I posted my article. ARGH! I'm so frustrated with myself! lol X(

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the video. It's done by HelloFutureMe, who's a fellow HTTYD fan and has amazing theories on HTTYD and LOTR. Check out his videos when you get the chance! They're great! ^_^

Thank you guys for reading, and I hope you have an amazing week!

Long Live the Night!

- Noctus Fury


Word Count: 230 words


Date Published: 01/17/19

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