Mae Govannen, mellyn-nin! Welcome to another LOTR article. I apologize that it's been a couple of months since my last post, but life's been a pain in the icicle and I also wanted to take a break from this since I've pretty much been writing these a lot.
This one will be more of a light and funny article similar to the "Friendly Competition" article a few months prior.
True to the title, this article will be about Aragorn's coronation. Why? Because I can. lol XD
Aragorn's Alternate Reality?:
There are many things to like about the end of RotK: Sauron's absolute and unconditional downfall, Aragorn's coronation, his union to Arwen Undominel, and the restoration of the Two Kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor to form the Reunited Kingdom have ushered in a new age: The Age of Men (or the Fourth Age to those who should already know this). What's not to love?
Never in Aragorn's entire life had he imagined that Sauron would finally be defeated, that he would be in the courtyard of Minas Tirith afterward being crowned as King of the Reunited Kingdom. So much for his dreams of wandering around the Wilds for the rest of his life, free as can be, shooting arrows into the sunset (curse you Elrond and your eternal meddling). lol XD
Never had he thought that he would be reunited to Arwen -- especially once Elrond gave him the news of Arwen dying and the fact that, no, Arwen didn't sail to the Undying Lands with all that is left of her kin like she was supposed to -- in spite of both he and Elrond telling her otherwise.
The Witch-King of Angmar: Girls, man. Don't try to understand their faulty reasoning and skewed logic behind the excuse of . . . being in LOVE. *gags* How repulsive!
Me: (Shut up, Witch-King! You don't get a say in this conversation. It was a GIRL who whupped your undead carcass to begin with!)
The Witch-King of Angmar: *In the Void of Silence*
Anyway, where was I?
Oh, yes. Reuniting with Arwen.
So Aragorn was surprised to see her alive and beautiful as ever, and, to celebrate, eats her face . . . I mean her lips. And she returns the favor.
Man, this was not how I was planning on writing this article. lol XD
But, to be fair, I'm super tired and this is way past my bedtime, sooooo . . . .Sorry? lol XD
But here's the thing: How does Aragorn feel about all of this? I mean, seriously! The guy looks like he wished he was ANYWHERE but in Minas Tirith getting crowned King.
I'm sure that, even when he had accepted his destiny, deep down Aragorn wasn't expecting to live, or that Sauron would get defeated, or that he'll ever see Arwen again, or that he was even going to be made King. I'm sure that Aragorn was hoping that once he saved the world (again) that he would be able to slink back into the Wilds and elope with his enchanting Elven bride (against Elrond's wishes) and ride off into the sunset, and then have a happily ever after with the last remnants of his fellow Dunedain.
Nope, not gonna happen, buddy. I'm sorry. We love you, but that's not going to happen.
Seriously, though. Look at his face in the picture above!!! Does he look happy? NO! He looks like somebody that was told that he was going to be King whether he wanted to or not!
Oh, wait . . . .That's exactly why he's making that face. lol XD
Though, I'm pretty sure that if Arwen hadn't been with him, Aragorn probably would've been a miserable King, always so serious and solemn. Even more so when he ends up marrying someone that would never understand him. He probably would've longed for death to overtake him.
But, fortunately for him, Arwen DID survive her near-death experience and she IS with him, so now they can get married, rule together (much to his relief), and have a bunch of Peredhil chibbles. Yay!
What do you guys think? Do you think Aragorn was thinking when he was made King? What do you think Aragorn would've done if Arwen wasn't in the picture? Do you think he would've tried to flee back into the Wilds?
Thank you guys for reading! I hope you guys have a fantabulous and productive 2019!
Long Live the Night!
- Noctus Fury
Word Count: 752 words
Date Published: 12/30/18
Fandom Discussions, Theories, and Questions | Volume 1
Non-Fiction(Volume I of "Fandom Discussions"; First Book of the "Fandom Discussions" Series) A book where I write about theories, questions, discussions, and other things on various fandoms, and you can discuss and ask questions and answer them as well. You ca...