Happy Savage Appreciation Day!!! (HTTYD)

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Well met, fellow Dragon Riders! And welcome to another article on "Fandom Discussions"

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Well met, fellow Dragon Riders! And welcome to another article on "Fandom Discussions". Now, assuming you already know who I'm going to be talking by the photos and the title, you're probably wondering if I've hit the deep end or something. Fortunately, I'm haven't, but that's besides the point.

Now, you're probably wondering why I'm doing an appreciation day, and for Savage of all people. Well, I have my reasons, and you'll know them in this article.

Today is the 7th anniversary since his first appearance on Riders of Berk Episode 6 "Alvin and the Outcasts", which just happens to be September 25, 2012 (I can't believe it's been that long ago). Because of this, I had created a Birthday/Anniversary/Appreciation-Day for Savage out of that date.

I'll also be writing a one-shot dedicated to Savage for his big day, though it'll be a little late since I've only just remembered it. So keep an eye out, eh!

Now . . . Savage . . . I know that this might be an odd character to like (though, arguably, Mildew, Mulch, Bucket, or some other minor character would be odder), but I have my reasons, and I find them to be logical, in my opinion.

Why Savage? Well, since I was introduced to villains at an age that I could differentiate boss villains from subordinate villains (which was like 10-years-old or even younger), even though the boss villains were great, and I sympathized with them when they had idiot minions who couldn't do anything right, there were subordinate villains who weren't like that that were as great as the boss men themselves. Subordinate villains who were great and loyal shadows of their superiors but could just as easily strike out on their own if they really wanted to. Minor villains who were, in their own right, just as dangerous or cunning or resourceful when left to their devices — and also without their bosses breathing down their necks and sucking all the potential out of them for their own uses. And on HTTYD, there are no two minor villains I love more than Savage and Ryker. (I'd have added Captain Vorg in there, but let's be honest, he's never been villain material. Antagonist, maybe, but not a minor villain, and he goes wherever Dagur goes, so since Dagur's good now, so is he).

Savage is a pretty underestimated and underappreciated villain. Despite him being a groveling sycophant of a thug, Savage is, for all intents and purposes, cunning, resourceful, intelligent (though not nearly to the level of Hiccup, Astrid, Stoick, Dagur at times, Viggo and Ryker, Krogan, etc), weapon-savvy, strong, among a few other things. Granted, he's a coward, and usually tries to find the nearest exit at the first sign of defeat, but he's loyal at least . . . so long as you remain a villain. Savage remained loyal to Alvin even after his supposed "death," and was willing to continue the battle against Dagur the Deranged until the latter helpfully pointed out that he and the other Outcasts could either fight for him or join Alvin into the drink. Since then, Savage was loyal to Dagur despite the irritatingly maniacal laughter, the abuse, insults, and death attempts and threats directed at him — even after Dagur got captured and went to prison, and it is assumed that he helped Dagur break out of prison on Outcast Island, and is the man who called out to him in the first episode of RTTE, which makes sense since we see Savage and Captain Vorg not long after that a little later in the episode. Savage does not betray Dagur until the moment the latter turned over a new blade and joined the Riders.

Savage is also shown to come up with ideas that his superiors (i.e. Alvin and Dagur) consistently take for themselves, and then later receives a beating or death threats when the plan goes wrong. Not only that, but the men that work under him seem to respect him greatly and are willing to follow his words to the letter. Though I'm not sure if it's because out of fear for Alvin and Dagur, or out of willing obedience. Maybe both. But he even managed to convince a large chunk, if not the entire Berserker Guard to start a coup against Dagur and place Savage as the new leader of the Berserkers (albeit temporarily). It's obvious that Savage both has men who want to follow him and/or also share his dissatisfaction with Dagur siding with the Riders, further reducing their chances of glorious battles to fight.

When Season 6 came out, I had hoped that Savage would be able to start a band of his own, and it did happen . . . in part. However he didn't really succeed because Dagur cheated by having the help of the Riders. Had Savage waited until the Riders left, I'm sure he would've been able to successfully overthrow Dagur and Heather and throw them into prison (and kill them later on) and rule in their stead. That would've been beautiful to see. Some stakes to set the high bar, eh! But, alas, it wasn't meant to be. 

I still continue to imagine him being able to escape the prison, taking those who were also in prison because of their conspiracy with him, and leaving Berserk Island and becoming a roving band of pirates, not dissimilar to Alvin and his Outcasts.  I can totally picture him having a band of ex-Berserkers and ex-Outcasts who he broke out of prison who would rather join him and take part in raids that would make them both rich and reputable, without fear of their superiors "turning yellow and soft" in allying themselves with Berk. 

I really love Savage. He's just one of many minor/subordinate villains that I just love more than the main villains (except Viggo, Ryker and Grimmel, among others in other shows/movies). And despite the fact that he's a villain who could gut you in a heartbeat, I sympathize with him over the fact that his superiors treat him like trash despite his loyalty and service. I personally would love to see him strike out on his own and form his own band. In fact, I could see Savage taking over Old Berk once the Berkians leave for New Berk. But that's just me.

What do you guys think? Do you like Savage or not? Why or why not? Who's your favorite villain(s) in HTTYD? Would you like to be a part of Savage Appreciation Day?

Anyway, thank you so much for reading this article. And have a happy Savage Appreciation Day. Also, have a productive and fun week. #SavageAppreciationDay #SavageNeedsMoreLove

Long Live the Night!

— Noctus Fury


Word Count: 1,150 words


Date Published: 09/25/19

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