What Are Your Favorite Fandoms? (Overall/General)

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Well met, fellow Furians and Dragon Riders! Today, we'll dive into a light topic with no specific fandom in mind. This is just going to be one of those interactive articles to engage us into conversation. As a result, it'll be a fairly short one — probably won't go over 500 words (though this is me we're talking about, so I can't really say that with 100% certainty. lol) 

I know that I said that I was going to write some Redwall articles first, but then decided to write them later. I mean, it's not like there's a lot of people on here who've read them anyways. I'll still write them, but they'll be a bit later. I'm going to be writing some articles that are about general stuff or about fandoms overall, rather than specific fandoms. Then I'll dive into some Frozen articlesin light of the coming-soon Frozen 2 film, before the film comes out and probably ruin any theories I might have. lol XD

(By the way, have there been any new Frozen trailers since the first one? I'm not really in this Fandom a whole lot, so I'm not aware of the latest news.)

Anyway, today's topic is going to be just a simple interactive question: What are your favorite Fandoms? (Please don't answer this question until I repeat this at the end of this article. Thank you.)

What do I mean by this? Well, specifically, I want to know what your Top 5 Fandoms are. I don't mean Fandoms that are lower down on your list, or Fandoms that you only occasionally visit, or Fandoms that you only kinda like. I'm talking about Fandoms that you're just passionate about, that you live and breathe (without them taking over your life and heart, that is), that you just can't stop talking about or interacting in, that you don't want a break from them at all. Fandoms that, if you had to pick five, you'd rather be in than anything else. And why did you pick those fandoms? Why do you love them?

Of course, probably not as extreme as I've just mentioned, but basically what are the top 5 Fandoms that you don't ever want to leave, no matter if somebody pays you with money or chocolate or your favorite video game, and even if the Fandom suddenly dies and people stop writing stories for those Fandoms?

(Note: This DOESN'T include Crossover Fandoms; I'll write an article for that later.)

For me, my Top Five Fandoms are as follows:






Endless Ocean


Now why these Fandoms? Why do I love them more than other Fandoms? Well, for several reasons:

1. Childhood Memories

Aside from Endless Ocean, the other Fandoms I have been in since mid-to-late-childhood (10-14). Ever since I was a little boy, I grew up in these Fandoms before I even knew what Fandoms or OTPs were. The characters fascinated me and I related to them; they went on great adventures; they fell in love; they learned how to be friends. I would have to say that a sizeable portion of who I am today is in part of the stories I grew up on. 

In this respect, Thomas the Tank EngineSpirit, and Treasure Planet were also a big part of that as well. 

As for Zootopia, well . . . Zootopia was bringing me back to my childhood with Robin Hood and other anthropomorphic cartoons. But since I was an adult when Zootopia came out, I won't include it here.

2. Life Lessons

Another reason for loving these Fandoms are the life lessons that I have learned through them. Honesty, integrity, loyalty, responsibility, duty, obedience, standing up for one's self, how to be a friend, self-control, compassion, being kind to others, how to be selfless, helping others when they need it, being useful to people, and so many other life lessons that helped build me up into the man I am today (aside from the Bible, of course). They also taught me things on how NOT to do certain things.

3. Real, Meaningful Relationships

This is probably one of the most important reasons why I love the fandoms that I'm in. Aside from the Bible and my mom (and later on, my sister when she was born), shows like Thomas the Train, Adventures in Odyssey, The Book of Virtues, and others taught me not only moral virtues and character, but also in how to develop real, meaningful relationships. Later on, they were replaced by HTTYD, LOTR, Narnia, Redwall, and many other books and movies (and the Bible).

They taught me how to be a great and loving sibling, son, friend, acquaintance, neighbor, co-worker, and even future spouse. They also taught me what NOT to do in these relationships. My mother did a great job explaining all of this to me growing up. And some of this I even learned by myself through experience, intuition, conviction, and plain common sense.

It's actually because of this reason why you see me so into romantic, platonic, and familial relationships in my various fandoms. Especially in ones that make sense. Because they go so well together and so various dynamics. They also show themselves to be role models on how to be a friend, sibling, child, parent, and spouse. It's just amazing. 

There are probably more reasons but these are the main reasons why I'm into these fandoms.

(P.S. — If you'd like me to write an article detailing in-depth about each Fandom and why I love them, please let me know and I'll do it.)

Honorary Mentions:

Now before I end this article, I just wanted to add the Fandoms that almost made it but didn't and are on my honorable mentions list. (Please keep in mind that these aren't in any particular order, unlike the previous batch.)



Treasure Planet


Guardians of Ga'Hoole

The Book of Virtues


BBC Classics

Rifles for Watie

The Kingdom Series/Knights of Arrethtrae Series

And more...


Anyway, I think that's all I have to say for this article. I hope you enjoyed it and that it sparks a lot of interesting discussions on here. Please answer the question below if you feel like sharing.

What are your favorite Fandoms, and why?

Thank you, everyone, for reading this article. Hope to see you in the next article! Have a great week!

Long Live the Night!

— Noctus Fury


Word Count: 1,050 words (Well, it's short-ish. lol XD)


Date Published: 08/12/19

Fandom Discussions, Theories, and Questions | Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now