Security Wolves (Zootopia)

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Hello, my dear readers! Here's another Zootopia article for you. Man! I'm just pumping out these chapters suddenly. Blame my sudden inspiration and motivation on my recent re-watching of Zootopia. 

I do apologize for the long wait since the last article. I had planned on writing and posting another one soon after the previous Zootopia article had been posted, but then I was hit from all sides with various things. As a result of this, I haven't really had the energy to come back to write these articles, and it has now been just over a month-and-a-half. For somebody who has many topics to write about, I'm not really doing a great job posting regularly. I'll try to post more often — at least once every two weeks if I can.

Anyway — on to today's topic!


Security Wolves

So, yes, we're back, and it's about the Security Wolves. Again. Why? Because I want to (LOL). In fact, I will be writing a few more articles concerning these Wolves. However, that being said, after this article, I will be moving on to other fandoms — like HTTYD, Narnia, LOTR, Guardians of Ga'Hoole, Endless Ocean, some Nintendo Wii games, etc, etc. Especially HTTYD, since the third movie has finally come out on DVD and I am BURSTING with a bunch of article ideas concerning this third and final (boo!) film of the HTTYD franchise (good night, sweet prince). And also Narnia and Guardians of Ga'Hoole, since I have written no articles for those fandoms yet.

Anyway, I'm digressing. Back to the Wolves.

Remember what I said in the last article about why there are Wolves as security guards? Well, I will hopefully dive into more detail concerning this topic (though I'm not sure how much more I can say that hasn't already been said in the last one).

Why Wolves? And why did the Mayor hire them? These questions will be answered in this article. (If there are questions that I've missed, please let me know and I'll make a Part 2 of this article.)

Why Are Wolves Hired As Security Guards?

I had explained this in part in the last article, but it doesn't hurt for me to explain it again and in further detail.

Why Wolves? 

Well, personally, I don't think that's a tough question to answer. For one, they're Wolves. Unlike many mammals in Zootopia, Wolves are team-players and work best in a pack-group, allowing them to work together cohesively, efficiently, and professionally like a well-oiled machine. 

This isn't hard to imagine since we see Wolves in a lot of important and pack-oriented occupations such as the Police Department and Private Security Firms (like the Wolves hired by Mayor Lionheart) — and I wouldn't be surprised if they were also ...

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This isn't hard to imagine since we see Wolves in a lot of important and pack-oriented occupations such as the Police Department and Private Security Firms (like the Wolves hired by Mayor Lionheart) — and I wouldn't be surprised if they were also prison guards, military personnel (if this world even has one), construction, factory workers, and other important occupations.

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