What HTTYD Personality Type Are You? (HTTYD)

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Well met, my fellow Furians! Tonight, I've decided to post something a little fun, and a little different from my usual articles

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Well met, my fellow Furians! Tonight, I've decided to post something a little fun, and a little different from my usual articles. I happened to come across this chart on Google when I was searching for some pictures. Of course, it's not completely accurate, and some characters may have the wrong personality label. For instance, I don't think Astrid is an ISTJ; personally, I think she's an ENFP or somewhere in the Extroverted Spectrum.

So let's start this, shall we? Okay, here we go! Judging by my personality type — which is ESFJ — I am in league with Snotlout.

Wait . . . SNOTLOUT?! O_O

Hahaha! Don't worry, I'm just the personality, not the person playing the personality. I'm far removed from Snotlout character-wise. To be honest, I'm not like any of the HTTYD characters in the franchise. At least, none that I can think of at a moment's notice.

Of course, since I've found out about this, I couldn't help but ponder if this is partly behind the sudden influx of ideas for Snotlout-centric fan fictions. Could be a coincidence, but I'm thinking this personality quiz thing is ratting me out. lol XD

I'm probably like Dagur — eccentric, loyal, jovial, deep love for family, but without being deranged, Berserk tendencies, and in a desperate need of a therapist, psychologist, and psychiatrist all at once. Just think of me as a normal Dagur without all of the crazy, disturbing aspects.

Or Toothless. I'm a bit like Toothless, too.

What HTTYD character do you share a personality with? And what personality type?

Anyway, I hope that you enjoy this article and the fun personality chart. And I hope that you guys have a productive and peaceful weekend.

Long Live the Night!

— Noctus Fury


Word Count: 330 words (Man, I'm really getting it down now!)


Publish Date: 09/20/19

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