Why Queen Elsa Should Remain Single (Frozen)

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Hello, everyone. And welcome to my first Frozen article. I've tried to post one earlier this month, but due to the notification glitch, I wasn't sure if people would be able to find the update, but I'm just going to take a leap of faith and do this anyway. 

Now, this may be a bit of an odd topic to discuss for our first time diving into Frozen in this Book, but I assure you that there's a reason for all of this. 

In this article, I'll be diving into a topic that's been a pet peeve for many Elsa fans probably since well after the first Frozen film came out. But since I'm a part-time member of this Fandom — in fact, I'm almost nonexistent I'm hardly in this Fandom — I can't say for sure. I'd appreciate it if you can confirm or deny this for me.

This article will be a tad controversial, as I will be a little hypocritical in writing this topic since I ship Elsa with a few people (Hiccup and Jack Frost), but as these have to do with crossovers, I don't really count that. When it comes to the actual Frozen universe, I'm more of a pro-single-Elsa fan — most of the time. Or ship her with great OCs. lol XD

Anyway, let's get on with the article, shall we?


The Argument

Ever since Frozen first came into theaters — or maybe well after that — there has been intense debates among a large chunk of the Fandom between the two opposing camps: One that ships Elsa with someone else, and the other wanting Elsa to remain single. Then there's the third-wheel camp that ships Elsa with her own sister for some creepy, disturbing reason. *shudders and dry-heaves*

Anyway, let's dive into these two camps, shall we?


The Pro-Ship-Elsa-With-Someone Camp

Let's first enter into the POV of the side who wants Elsa to have somebody rule alongside her. In some areas, I'm in this camp; in other areas, I'm in the other camp. It really depends on whom Elsa's paired with. Contrary to how MANY people do things, you can't just pick random characters and smash them together just because you like it. There has to be a legitimate reason for them to be together; they need to click, have some common denominator that they can connect with to develop that intimate bond.

Now, a lot of people are fine with smashing random characters together and do their own thing. In fact, that's how a lot of these minor pairings get created to begin with. However, don't expect people to like it. Like with any good story, there MUST be a legitimate and logical reason for every decision, choice, and mistake that each character makes. None of us would've loved Arwen and Aragorn or Faramir and Eowyn together unless Tolkien gave us plenty of logical and reasonable explanations as to why they, respectively, are great for each other to the point where you can't see them with anyone else (unless you're one of those sadistic fans who enjoy tears perfect relationships apart. LOL).

The same goes with any and every pairing that gets created and supported — whether it's canon, fanon, or personal preference. Elsa-centered pairings are no different. 

Part of the reason why I created this pin in early-to-mid 2014 not long after Frozen was on DVD. (You can find this pin on Pinterest under my "Edits by Noctus Fury" board).

 (You can find this pin on Pinterest under my "Edits by Noctus Fury" board)

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