Chapter Three

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[Skylar’s POV]

I couldn’t breathe or speak. All I could do was stare at his beautiful face with my mouth gaping open. What. The. Heck. “Are you ok?” He asked, a cocky smirk starting to spread across his lips. “I’m fine,” I managed.

I set my book down and quickly started to pack up my lunch, trying to make a quick exit. “Hey, hey, hey,” Beau said, grabbing my arm as I stood to leave, “Where are you going?” I blushed furiously as I looked at his hand on my arm. He was touching me.

Oh my god. I think I was going to faint. “I’ve got to…um go,” I stuttered. Wow, great response Skylar. “Can I come with you?” Beau asked, surprising me.

“Why?” I asked bluntly. I silently screamed at myself for sounding so rude. Beau looked a bit thrown off, “I don’t know. Because I want to?” I hesitated, not wanting him to witness me making a bigger fool of myself, “Um, no. I’m going to the bathroom,” I said and sprinted across the lawn to the school. When I got inside the school, I didn’t go to the bathroom.

I walked into the art room and set my bag down on one of the empty tables. Grabbing out the picture I was working on, I propped it up on an easel.

I set up my paints and began to stroke a paintbrush across the canvas. Why didn’t I let him come with me? I’ve dreamed of talking to him for forever.

Why didn’t I talk to him? I’m such an idiot! I was so lost in thought I didn’t notice that I hadn’t lifted my paintbrush up enough and accidently dragged a line across the canvas.

I let out a frustrated growl as I stared at my now ruined painting.

I chucked the canvas into the garbage and stalked out of the room, not bothering to clean up after myself. This day was not going well.

[Beau’s POV]

“Um, no. I’m going to the bathroom,” Skylar said, her face flushed. She turned and sprinted over to the school, her long brown hair streaming behind her.

I watched her go and then shook my head. The boys were right. This was going to be impossible.

I trudged back over to the boys, “How’d it go?” James asked. “Obviously not well,” Skip snickered, turning to watch Skylar enter the school. I glared at Skip before collapsing onto the bench, “She didn’t want to talk to me,” I muttered as I set my head down in my arms.

I was so going to lose this bet. “Don’t worry,” James said, “I’m sure she’s just shy”. I lifted my head up, contemplating what James had said, “Yeah, maybe you’re right. She was blushing when she was talking to me. I bet she was just intimidated by my good looks,” I said cockily, meaning it as a joke.

Luke snorted, “That, or maybe she was thrown off by your body odor. It could scare anyone away”. The boys erupted into laughter.

I glared at Luke, “Hahaha,” I said sarcastically before taking some of his fries and flinging them into his face.

This just made the boys laugh harder. I didn’t want to stick around to find out what Luke’s revenge was going to be so I got up. “I’ll see you guys later,” I muttered before stalking off across the lawn. I was off to find Skylar.

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