Chapter 22

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[Skylar’s POV]

“Are you ready yet?” I heard someone yell from the other side of my bedroom door.

I put the finishing touches on my mascara before stepping out of my room to meet a very impatient looking Beau.

“Finally,” Beau groaned dramatically. I laughed and shoved him lightly, “I only took like 5 minutes!” I protested.

“More like twenty bazillion minutes,” Beau grumbled irritably. “Well, I’m here now Mr. Crabby Pants; ready to go laser tagging!?” I asked excitedly, hoping up and down and clapping my hands together.

Beau only laughed at my eagerness and sauntered out to the van. I skipped happily beside him. When we got to the laser tag place, I found out it was actually a bowling alley with a laser tag room built into the arcade area.

I squealed with excitement, looking around the laser tag place to find that it actually did look pretty legit. I faced the main counter to find Beau paying for both our tickets.

“Hey!” I said angrily to get his attention, marching up to where he was paying, “What do you think you’re doing?” I demanded. “I’m paying for our tickets?” Beau said sounding confused when he saw that I looked pissed off.

“Well, I owe you twelve dollars now because you weren’t supposed to pay for mine,” I said, trying to hand him the money.

Beau wouldn’t take it, “Think of it as my treat,” he said with a wink. I opened my mouth to argue with him further on the matter at hand but was interrupted by one of the employees announcing that the next fourteen people could come laser tagging.

There was a little kid’s birthday party of twelve in front of us and we just made the cut.

The little kids split up into teams of six and six.

“I’m going to ask one of them if they want to trade teams with me,” Beau muttered, moving forward to confront the children.

“Its fine, Beau,” I said, laughing when I saw his dead serious expression, “We can be on the same team the next round.” “I CALL RED TEAM!” We both yelled at the same time. We both sprinted towards the last red team vest.

I got it but only because Beau tripped over his own feet on the run over; how that boy is a star soccer player, I’ll never know.

“You don’t even like red,” Beau whined as he put on his blue vest. “I have very good reasons for picking red,” I said, as if that explained everything.

“Oh please tell me,” Beau said sarcastically as he finished strapping himself up, “other than the reason that your favorite color is blue, of course.

But other than that, it makes perfect sense to have picked red, favorite color,” Beau said sarcastically. “Well, one reason is that Beau and blue both start with ‘b’,” I tried to explain.

“So you were just looking out for my well-being,” Beau said dryly. I nodded, trying to focus on strapping up but I couldn’t seem to get the to Velcro in the right places.

Beau watched me struggle for a few more moments before leaning over to help me. “Also, I wanted red because you wanted it,” I admitted as he finished strapping me up.

“That’s the reason!” Beau exclaimed, his eyes lighting up, “You just wanted to spite me!” I gave him a strange look,

“That’s exactly right. But, Beau, you have to admit,” I leaned in closer to whisper the last part in his ear, “Red makes me look pretty badass,” I said with a wink.

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