Chapter Seven

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[Skylar’s POV]

I walked into Beau’s house, instantly noticing that it smelled like someone was cooking something. “What’s cooking?” I asked Beau quietly as I took off my shoes. “My mom is baking bread but right now she’s over at the neighbors,” Beau replied as we climbed the stairs.

“Do you want a drink?” He asked. I nodded and followed him into the kitchen where the delicious smell was the strongest. Beau went over to the cupboard to get some glasses for drinks. I stopped in the middle of the kitchen, closed my eyes and inhaled deeply.

“Water or pop?” A voice said in front of me. I opened my eyes and jumped back, falling down onto the floor with a mighty  THUMP! “Whoa, are you ok?” Beau asked, trying to hold back laughter. I stared at him for a moment before bursting out into laughter.

Beau joined in once he saw I was laughing.  “Why’d you fall?” Beau asked, still chuckling softly, grabbing my hand to help me up. “Your face was so close to mine. It startled me.” I said, trailing off and looking at the floor.

Beau laughed again, “Sorry. So you get scared easily?” He asked with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. “No!” I exclaimed, laughing loudly again and punching him in the arm, “Don’t try anything Brooks,” I said before grabbing a glass out of his hand and turning on the faucet to fill the cup.

I turned back around to find Beau inches away from my face again. “JESUS!” I yelled, slopping water all over my arm and the floor.

He burst out laughing again, “You weren’t expecting that?” He asked, doubled over with laughter.

I smacked him in the arm again before looking around for a towel to clean up the mess. “Let me get that,” Beau said, straightening up again.

He grabbed the towel from me and bent over to start wiping up the mess. I stood back, tugging on my shorts and studying Beau’s back as he scrubbed at the floor.

He turned around quickly and caught me staring. I turned bright red and dropped my gaze to the ground.

“Do you want to start working on Biology?” I asked him quietly, my eyes lifting to rest on Beau’s smirking face. He said “Sure.” so I followed him out of the kitchen and up a staircase to his room.

I stood outside of his room uncertainly, “Couldn’t we just work in the living room?” I asked hesitantly, eyeing him as he patted the spot next to him on his bed.

“I won’t bite,” Beau said with a wink. When he saw I still wasn’t going to come into his room he stood up, grabbed his books and led me back down the stairs to the kitchen without a word.

[Beau’s POV]

We sat in the kitchen, finishing off some biology homework. I really did know how to do the homework; I just wanted her to come over so I could get further along with this dare.

I wasn’t going to try anything when I invited her into my bedroom, it’s just my room is so much more comfortable than the kitchen chairs, I thought as I shifted around in my seat, trying to get some feeling back into my butt.

I straightened my back, earning a couple of cracks, before slumping back into my original position.

I looked up from what I was writing about messenger RNA and turned my gaze to Skylar. She was completely drawn into her assignment and nodding her head slightly to the beat of Spirit School by Anya Marina.

I smiled a bit as I studied her long eyelashes and full pink lips. Even though the only reason I was hanging out with her was because of a dare, I had to admit, if I ended up completing the dare, I wouldn’t mind shagging her.

Suddenly, her bright blue eyes flicked up and a pinkish tinge appeared on her cheeks when she noticed me checking her o- I mean studying her. I felt my cheeks heat up also and I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

I wasn’t sure what to say. I heard the door bang open and I knew my mother was home. I ran down the stairs to help her with the groceries.

“Hi Mom,” I said, giving her a swift kiss on the cheek. I grabbed some bags out of her hands and went back up the stairs. I set them on the counter and started to empty the groceries. “Who’s this?” I heard my mother ask as she entered the kitchen.

I turned around with a jug of milk in one hand to find my mother looking at Skylar, “I’m Skylar Harrison,” I heard Skylar introduce herself and saw her stick out her hand to shake my mom’s. My mom put her groceries down and pulled Skylar into a hug.

I saw Skylar’s stunned face before she wrapped her hands around my mom to return the gesture. Skylar pulled away and said, “It’s very nice to meet you Mrs. Brooks”. Mom laughed, “Please call me Gina,” She told Skylar.

Skylar laughed and turned to both of us, “If you’ll excuse me I’m going to use the bathroom,” she said before leaving the room. My mom turned to me with a glint in her eyes, “Beeeeeeeau,” she sang in a teasing voice.

“Moooooom,” I sang back, confused. “Is she your girlfriend?” My mom asked with a wink. I laughed and rolled my eyes, “Mom, we’re just studying,” I said awkwardly.

“Uh huh,” she said, starting to unpack the groceries, “She’s very kind…and pretty,” she added before rushing out of the room, laughing maniacally, to avoid the towel I threw at her.

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