Chapter Seventeen

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[Skylar’s POV]

We had walked over to my room and were currently listening to the song ‘Mr. Blue Sky’ by Electric Light Orchestra. I was jumping up and down to the song, laughing as Beau attempted to do the robot but it looked more like he was having a seizure.

I started to do the Charleston but tripped, of course, because it is me and I am a massive klutz. I tipped forward and fell into Beau, gripping onto his shoulders.

When I looked up at Beau our faces were so close that if I leaned in a few more inches, our lips would’ve touched. Beau started to lean forward and my eyes involuntarily closed when a sudden loud bang made me jump and accidentally bump my head into Beau’s.

We both clutched our foreheads, laughing as we turned around to see what had made the commotion. When I turned around, I saw a very angry Sam standing in the doorway. He stalked into the room and pushed me aside so I fell onto my bed.

“Sam, no!” I said, trying to stop him.

He roughly shoved Beau against my bedroom wall, holding Beau harshly by his shoulders. “I don’t know who the fuck you think you are,” Sam spat at Beau, their faces only inches apart and both of them had a hard look in their eyes that I had never seen before in either of them, “But if you ever touch my sister, I will kick your ass,” Sam said, looking so intimidating that I was scared to break them apart in fear that Sam would glare at me like that, but Beau looked unaffected as he continued to stare at Sam, his face emotionless and his eyes like steel.

“I would never hurt Skylar,” Beau said, with so much raw emotion in his voice that Sam let go and took a step back from Beau, nodding.

Sam turned around and held out his hand to help me up from my position on the bed, “Are you ok Sky?” he questioned when I dusted my jeans off.

I gave him a look that said ‘I’m fine. Now please leave and stop being such a possessive ass.’ As if Sam could read my mind, he shot me an innocent grin and turned to depart my bedroom, making sure to leave the door wide open.

\I rolled my eyes and walked over to Beau, “Sorry,” I apologized softly, not able to meet Beau’s eyes. Beau laughed, surprising me enough to lift my eyes from the floor and look at his face. “Skylar,” he said, running a hand through his hair, “if I had a sister, I would want to beat every guy she brought home to a pulp. Especially if she looked like you,” he said, adding on a wink.

I giggled and shoved his shoulder lightly and let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding in, he wasn’t mad. “How about,” Beau said leaning close and lowering his voice to a whisper, “we get out of here. Let’s go to Dairy Queen. It’ll be on me, I promise.” I smiled at Beau, and told him I’d love to.

He knew exactly what I needed right now.


“Hey Sky!” the boys greeted me as I sat down at lunch and I nodded in greeting. I heard the lone ‘Skylar’ and knew it was Beau.

I turned to him, “Why do you always call me Skylar? Everyone else calls me Sky,” I said, poking his arm to get his attention.

He turned to face me, his mouth full of food.

When he finally swallowed an unbelievably large amount of food, he spoke, “I don’t know,” he shrugged, looking down at his hands, “I guess I just like the name,” he finally muttered, turning a bit red. I just took the answer and faced the rest of the boys when they said my name.

“Would you like to come laser tagging Saturday afternoon with us?” James asked, a hopeful glint in his eyes, “If you did, the teams would finally be even!” “No they wouldn’t,” Daniel butt in, his mouth full of food, “How do we know that Sky isn’t shit at laser tag?” I puffed my chest out at that comment, taking great offence to it, “I am great at laser tag!” I protested to Daniel, a little pissed at his assumption.

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