Chapter 1: Graduation.

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I sit here in my chair waiting for my name to be called out as they call out the names in alphabetical order, I am nearly at the end of the alphabet so that doesn't help my nerves right now. I watch as my friend Jasmine gets up and gets her degree as I cheer her on, I'm know cheering my friend Mia on as she gets to go up and accept her degree, she spots me in the crowd and gives me a grin as I wave at her.

"Sophia Anderson congratulations on completing your degree, please come up" I get and walk to the stairs and hope to god I don't trip, I make it successfully up the stairs without injuring myself and accept my degree with some handshakes as I walk along the podium, I squeal as I run up to my friends and hug them as they hug me back. We are all excited that we finally finished our degrees and also because we booked a trip to Italy next week and I am to pumped I've waited so long for a vacation, "I can't believe we are going to Italy next week" Mia says as she giggles "me too I can't wait to see all the Italian hotties there" Jasmine says as Mia's boyfriend walks over "hey Greg" I say as he gives me and Jasmine a side hug and Mia a kiss "hey girls you guys ready for your vacation?" he says as he wiggles his eyebrows at us.

"yes, I can't fucking wait to get outta here I've needed a vacation for too long now" I say as we continue to walk to a nearby coffee shop, once we are at the coffee shop we all settle down at a table and order our drink I get tea while the others get lattes. We sit and talk about everything that we want to do and see while we are in Italy, I am defiantly swimming when we get there their beaches look amazing. After we have finished our coffee and finished chatting we all head home and get ready for dinner since it's like 5 in the afternoon, the day has gone too quick for me, but I am happy it is finished.

As I am making my way up the stairs to my apartment, I see a figure standing near my door I start getting nervous as I make my way, as I near the door I see it's just my best friend James "what the fuck James you scared me!" I exclaim as I put my key in the door as I hear him chuckle beside me "sorry sweets didn't mean to scare you" he says as he hugs me as I walk into the apartment.

Me and James have been friends for 10 years now and we sometimes get very cozy with each other, but we are not dating so, jasmine Mia and myself have all been friends since we have been tiny.

We both walk into my apartment and order some pizza so we can relax and watch a movie with each other, I throw my keys and purse on the counter as I make my way to the lounge where I plop down and get the movie ready while James calls the pizza place, "what movie do you want to watch tonight sweets?" James asks as he plops down beside and throws an arm around my shoulder "how about The Hangover?" I say as I look at James and smile "sounds perfect baby girl" He says as he goes into Netflix and find the hangover.

Ding dong,

Finally, the pizza is here I pause the movie while James opens door and grabs the pizza "thanks" he says to the delivery man as he takes the tip and smiles. "finally, the pizza has entered the building!" I yell as he sits down and chuckles, I grab a piece of pizza and continue watching the movie.

I walk back into my apartment after saying goodbye to James as I listen to his car go, I turn the tv off and put the pizza away for tomorrow I will most likely eat it for breakfast cause guess what I'm too lazy to make anything, I go into my bedroom and get my pj's ready and go into the shower and set the water for warm.

As I step out of the shower and grab my towel my phone starts ringing it's my mum, "Hello" I say "hey sweetie, how are you?" she says as I groan "I am fine mum, what's up I am about to go to bed" I say as I put my phone on speaker and put it on my bed side table while I quickly get dressed "look honey I am sorry me and your dad didn't get to come to your graduation, this conference was very important to the company" she says I roll my eyes " its fine mum don't worry about it, I have to go call me tomorrow love you" I end the call before she can say anything else about her stupid company and her apology.

I walked into my kitchen to grab some water and walk back into my room and jump into my bed and turn my tv on and watch whatever is playing so I can have some background noise. I decide through my socials on my phone as my corgi Peaches comes into my room and jumps up onto my bed and lays her head onto my lap as I stroke her fur. I put my phone onto the nightstand and turn my tv off and go to sleep with my baby peaches.

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