Chapter 14: Prices.

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Joesph POV:

Making my way to my closet and put my black Armani suit and tuck a 9mm Hand gun in my pant suit, I make my way downstairs and sit in my seat sit the front of the table and take a look around making eye contact with Sophia I believe she quickly averts her eyes and fidgets with her hands. Finishing off my coffee and food I stand up and make my way to my office where I start to work.


A knock comes through my door I answer with a gruff come in opening the door my eyes zoom onto Aron "what do you want Niño?" He raises his eyes brows at me I raise mine again signaling him to try me, shaking his head he sits on the seat " The Sophia girl is in the garden doing some work" I nod my head and ask him if he needs anything else he says no and leaves the room.


"¿Qué quieres decir con que no puedes recibir el envío?" (What do you mean you can't get the shipment.) I yell into the phone the guy on the other end whimpers but apologised and tells him it'll be here tomorrow "Adiós" I say into the phone slamming it down on the operator shaking my head I make my way outside to my balancing looking down at the garden seeing Sophia digging into the ground and planting some plants that seem to be lavender, so what I like plants. Walking back to my desk I get working again.


Sophia's POV:

I continue digging the holes for the lavender pants, Marry one of the maids comes outside with a tray that as some lemonade and some snacks on there walking over to me she sets the tray on the ground "here are some snacks for you, before you have to get back to work" she smiles at me and gets up walking back into the house that probably has the air con on while I'm siting in the heat digging, taking my gloves off I wipe the sweat that has formed on top of my eye brow then clean my hands off on my
Jump suit grabbing the lemonade I take a sip moaning at the cold refreshing taste grabbing some of the cracker with cheese I quickly eat the whole plater. I walk onto the patio and put the tray on the wooden table, walking back too the garden I put my gloves and get back to digging and planting.


After a long 4 hours of gardening I make my way inside and go into the kitchen getting my self a glass of water "Buenas tardes amor" (good evening love) I hear someone say behind me slowly turning around I say good evening to Aron "how was your day?" He asks putting the cup of water down I look up at him and smile "it was alright I don't mind gardening" he smiles and says enjoy your night I leave the kitchen and go up to my room where I can get out of these sweaty gross clothes, I grab some shorts and a tank top and some new undergarments. Walking into the bathroom I take my clothes off and turn the shower on obviously not hearing my door opening neither the bathroom door "Buenas tardes sofia" ( Good evening Sophia) I hear someone huskily say screaming I jump back and fall over hitting my head in the process siting up my eyes widen quickly grabbing a towel and covering myself "what are you doing in here" I half-whisper yell getting up I wrap the towel around my body a little better Joesph chuckles and walks out of the bathroom with no word shaking my head I close and lock the bathroom door.

Another chapter done hope you guys enjoy it

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Another chapter done hope you guys enjoy it. Hope you enjoy this one and hope you all had a good Christmas ❤️❤️.

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