19: Talks.

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Joesph POV:

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Joesph POV:

Walking back down to my office I sit in my chair and busy myself with some work ordering some more drugs as well as some new guns. Tracking my shipments and making sure everything is going well and no pussy is stealing my shit.

Knock knock

"Come in"

Aron comes walking in all sweaty holding an iPad I raise and eyebrow at him and nod my head letting him know e can talk "Boss I think the Russians are after us they left this on the front door" he hands me a latter written in blood that says

'Pretty girl you have there, shame if she disappeared'

My blood begins to boil when they mention Sophia "check the security cameras in the basement!" I yell getting out of my chair I follow Aron as we make our way down the steps to the basement. Rolling the chair out I sit down and log into the computers.

About 10 minutes later we see 2 Russians bastards put the note on the door then knock before running like little pussies they are slamming my hands onto the desk I storm out of the room and back into my office and make some calls.

Sophia's POV:

After completing the fruit garden I make my way back into the house and up into the room where I get dressed into the maid outfit and put my black stilettos on before going back into the kitchen where I get started on lunch.
after making some sandwiches and coffee or water and juice I put their plates down on each of their seats before making my way back to the kitchen where I make myself and Brenda a ceaser salad and some tea and water. Handing Brenda her food she says 'thank you' we both dig in.


Once I've finished all the gardening for today I take my hat off and put all the tools into the little shed next to the house. I make my way back into the house and get myself a glass of water before walking up stairs and into my room, taking my overalls off I go into the closet and pick out a black maxi dress and pair it with black Lacey undergarments as well as some matte black heels. Getting into the shower I wash all the dirt and sweat of off my body before washing my hair.

After the shower I cover my naked body with a red silky robe and put my dry hair into a high ponytail. I lay for a few moments before deciding to get up and get dressed into my assigned outfit after I've gotten dressed I put some light makeup over my face and top it off with a red tinted lip balm to add some colour to my face and let my eyes pop.


After continuing some maid duties I finally get to sit down and relax for a little bit. Before having to get some more work done once I've finished washing the floor my day will finally be over I'll just have to cook dinner for everyone with Brenda of course we have both decided to make spaghetti for everyone.

After about 1 hour I've finished cleaning after having a sandwich and some water I decide to go out back and relax.

"Where is she?" Someone's voice booms through inside the house my body instantly straightens from laying down on the chair pushing my sunglasses to the top of my head I turn my neck to the directions of the window
"Calm down Joesph she's outside for god sakes!" I hear Brenda yell a fumming Joesph stalks out of the back door and stomps his way to me his face red with anger "what's wrong Joesph?" I ask keeping caution so he doesn't blow up he grabs my arm and pulls me into the house I try to wiggle my way out but he doesn't budge "what the hell Jospeh" I finally pull my arm free

"you aren't allowed to go out any more not even in the backyard it's for your own safety" my eyebrows raise in confusion "uhh excuse me I can do whatever I want thank you you're the one that kidnapped me you could've let me go and I wouldn't have told anyone!" I yell into his face before I can run upstairs he grabs my arm and pushes my body against the wall his hand goes to my throat where my air supply slowly gets cut off my hands instantly go to Joesph arm to try and get him of off me, I watch as his eyes slowly go back to his normal colour he lets me go sinking to the floor gasping for breathe I quickly scrambling to my feet and run upstairs without another word.

Another chapter is done hope you guys enjoy it

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Another chapter is done hope you guys enjoy it. I just wanted to say thank you too pinkmintkay
For always reading my chapters and voting for them I appreciate it ❤️❤️.

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