34: It's Time.

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His hands go to the back of my dress pulling the zipper down before throwing the dress of off my body, his lips descend to my neck sucking on my sensitive spot by the time his lips come to my breast I'm a moaning mess,

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His hands go to the back of my dress pulling the zipper down before throwing the dress of off my body, his lips descend to my neck sucking on my sensitive spot by the time his lips come to my breast I'm a moaning mess,

"Oh my god Jospeh" I drag my words out as he sucks on my nipple slightly pulling and biting it adding to the amazing pleasure "You like that baby" his husky voice brings me out of my trance as I eagerly nod my head, his hands slip into the band of my lace panties he slowly pulls them down before bringing his thumb to my clit slightly brushing it which makes me jump his hand pushes me down before he brings his face right into my pussy "you smell divine" a light blush coast my cheeks as he lets out a husky chuckle, his tongue finally hits the right spot which instantly making me see stars "oh fuuuck" I whimper as he pulls on my nub intensifying the pleasure he slowly adds a finger which makes it sting he lets it sit there for a minute before he starts moving it while his tongue continues his assault "mmhmm" he finally brings me to an orgasm I make an 'O' face as his face comes into view "how was that" "so good" I whimper out he finally strips out of  his clothes before he loses his boxers, my eyes zero onto his man hood my eyes widening in the process "that will not fit in me" I shakily say as he grabs a condom and rolls it on "I'll be gentle first time is always the worst baby, but I promise  to be as gently as possible" he climbs back onto the bed as he holds his weight he kisses me before looking into my eyes "if you want me to stop I will" I nod my head at his reassuring voice, I feel his top rub against my opening my body seems to tense as his tips starts moving in "relax baby" he kisses my neck making me relax he starts sliding into my opening,

"Oh my god Jospeh" I drag my words out as he sucks on my nipple slightly pulling and biting it adding to the amazing pleasure "You like that baby" his husky voice brings me out of my trance as I eagerly nod my head, his hands slip into the band of...

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feeling a burning sensation my eyes start to gloss over with tears I let out a breathe before biting my lip harshly he finally pushes all the way in while my nails dig into his tatted bicep "oh fuck this hurts" I cry out Joseph kisses my lips before his hand goes down to my nub slowly rubbing it, I start feeling the pleasure that he was talking about. "Fuck, go fasterrr" I managed to moan out "Mírate queriéndolo más difícil" his husky voice is right next to my ear, "oh fuck yess" he puts my hands above my head holding me there while is free hands plays with my clit "oh I'm gonnna cumm"  He pace goes faster giving me the pleasure I needed "cum Gatito" my body starts shaking as an intense orgasm takes through my body, he groans as he cums in the condom he rolls of my body before taking the Condon off and throwing it in the bin beside his bed "that was amazing" I breathlessly day before closing my eyes trying to calm my heart "so good" he pecks my forehead before we cuddle. We end up falling asleep.


"Baby, wake up" groaning I roll over to my side snuggling into Jospeh's chest he chuckles before his lips descend to my neck sucking my sensitive I let out a little moan as my eyes flutter open, I'm greeted by light blue eyes staring at me, a little smile forms on my lips a I snuggle into his chest "come on, we have to get up baby" my hand runs up and down his arm "why do we need to get up I'm sore, leave me be" he throws his head back as he lets out a manly laugh I hide my face in my hands as he gets out of bed showing his toned tatted back "stop staring princess" a blush coast my cheeks before I turn over and close my eyes "I'll run you a bath ok but I need to get to work" I slowly nod my head before falling back asleep.

I feel myself being lifted from the bed as he walks to the bathroom I'm assuming "here this will help" he slowly lets me down into some warm water "mhmm, that feels good" he gives my forehead "I have to work I'll see you later" nodding my head he pecks my lips before letting me soak in the warm essential oils. 

Getting out of the bath I grab a towel from the black towel rack I wrap the dark blue towel around my body before walking back into his room. I grab my bra and panties before chucking them on, I poke my head out of his door making sure it's clear before I make a run for it I quickly open my door slamming it shut and locking it, going into my closet I decide to wear something comfy since I still have some soreness I grab some black ripped jeans and a maroon shirt and some black converse. I add some gloss to my lips before putting my hair into a pony tail.


Getting into the kitchen I make a bee like for the coffee pot before pouring myself a cup I add some milk before taking a sip of the bitter sweetness they call coffee. "Good morning" I look behind me noticing Maddy seated on a stool "morning" I say taking a seat next to her "how was your night?" She questions with a little look on her eye "it was good thanks" she lets out a little chuckle before getting up putting her cup into the sink and washing it out.

Short chapter which I apologise for but you know it's 984 words. I hope you all enjoy this one ❤️❤️.  Sorry for the cringe sex scene😂. But this book is slowly coming to an end so I hope you all live it❤️❤️.

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(I made this I don't know why but it was fun 😊)

(I made this I don't know why but it was fun 😊)

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