Chapter 7: The Second Meeting.

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The sun seeping through my room awakens me from my deep slumber with a groan I cover my eyes with my arm trying to sink even further into the fluffy bed, grabbing my phone I check the time to see its only 7:30am in the morning fuck it I'm going back to sleep bitches not going anywhere so goodnight.

2:30pm is the time I finally get up, grunting I sit up stretch my sore muscles, grabbing myself some clothes I go for a shower before going to the store to get groceries.

Changing into my black skirt and white blouse I put my hair into a high pony tail putting some lip balm and mascara on grabbing my sneakers I put them on taking y bag and cash and the keys I make my way out of the room.

Checking my phone as I walk to the elevator, I see a text from Mia it says "sorry I am going to hang out with a guy I met last night" rolling my eyes of course she has some hunky man to hang out with.

Getting in the elevator I press the ground floor button, walking out of the elevator I make my way to the front door and walk out, I look up and admire the blue sky smiling I make my way to the store grabbing a basket I do my rounds.

Making my way into the elevator once more I press my floor, I put my bags on the floor they are heavy to carry when I'm just standing. Making my out of the elevator I catch the hottie I saw last night in the elevator standing at his door standing just in sweat pants nothing else apart from some rings but you know don't really classify those as clothes my eyes cast down to his drool worthy abs and tattoos continuing walking until I see some chick with him she is currently kissing his neck she's wearing the shortest skirt ever and some skimpy top, scrunching my nose in disgust suddenly he catches my eye staring at me the cigarette between his tattooed knuckles he brings it up slowly to his pink plump lips he blows out the smoke smirking at me he keeps eye contact his other hand goes down to the skanks ass and he grabs a handful of it the skank moans and sucks his neck while I'm stuck standing like a fuckin statue my legs finally starting moving I start to run while he never loses eye contact grabbing my key I quickly put in before slamming my door and sliding down it I don't know what the fuck just happened sighing I pick my bags up and make my way to the kitchen to put them away.

Rubbing my eyes, I feed Peaches, checking the time I see its only 5:30pm I decide to go for a swim not before having a snack strawberry covered in chocolate my mouth waters thinking about it I change into my black bikini and get my strawberries and some water a book towel and a beach bag.

Making my way down to the pool in the front of the hotel I put my belongings on the beach chair, submerging my body into the water I fell the cool water cooling down my heated skin. I decide to stay in the pool for a couple hours.

Its been about 3 hours now so I decide to go back to my room grabbing my towel I dry myself off as I start to grab my things, I hear someone let out an agonizing scream followed by a deep voice yelling I try to listen to see if I can help in any way "where us my money perra!!" (bitch)someone yells "I'm sorry I don't have it right now, but I promise I can get it to you boss" someone sobs out "please I have a family wife and kids, please don't do this" more sob come out of the man

"that sucks but I don't give a mierda you should've had my money ready by tonight" (fuck) someone snarls out. I finally find where they are and watch what happens a man is on the ground with their bounds by rope and men behind him holding his shoulders I try to hold my gasp as I see a gun being pointed at the mans forehead the "boss" man is holding the gun standing in front of him I don't want to interfere so I just stand there with a hand over my mouth "please no don't do it" he cries out boss mans aims the gun between his eyes clicks the safety off and shoots him straight between

the brows I gasp and tears start flowing out of my eyes I slowly start to back up and try my best to not make a  noise the boss turns around and I instantly know those ocean blue eyes elevator boy I gasp and continue backing away until I hit a har...

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the brows I gasp and tears start flowing out of my eyes I slowly start to back up and try my best to not make a noise the boss turns around and I instantly know those ocean blue eyes elevator boy I gasp and continue backing away until I hit a hard chest I rough hands comes to my mouth I try to scream but I can't tears start rolling down my already wet cheeks "boss this little girl was watching the whole things" boss man turns around his blue eyes meet mine his eyes sparkle " well well well what do we have here" he smirks and grabs my chin I whimper and more tears roll down my cheek.

the brows I gasp and tears start flowing out of my eyes I slowly start to back up and try my best to not make a  noise the boss turns around and I instantly know those ocean blue eyes elevator boy I gasp and continue backing away until I hit a har...

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Thank you guys for reading hope you liked this chapter a lot longer than the other ones. Little bit of a cliffhanger for you guys. And it finally happened the murder.
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