31: Aftermath.

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a little bit edited.

Our lips collide in a passionate kiss never letting go, he pulls me roughly into his chest while his hands go down to ass giving the globes a harsh squeeze I moan into his mouth while my hands travel south down to his inked abs feeling them up

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Our lips collide in a passionate kiss never letting go, he pulls me roughly into his chest while his hands go down to ass giving the globes a harsh squeeze I moan into his mouth while my hands travel south down to his inked abs feeling them up.

We finally pull apart breathing heavily, foreheads touching "you're amazing" he breathes out giving me one peck on my lips I blush, putting my head into his neck peppering his skin with little kisses. "qué me estás haciendo" he whispers my eyebrows furrow not really knowing what he is saying (What are you doing to me). I quickly peck his lips before letting go of him. I dunk my head under water before pulling my head up and swiping the hair out of my face, I watch as Joseph does a few laps around the beautiful lake.


By the time we are out of the lake and dry with our clothes on it's almost 11pm, we quickly pack up before making our way back to the car Joseph opens the door for me again "thank you" I whisper out he smirks and nods his head. He gets into his side of the car and starts it up we make our way back home, "thank you for an amazing night" I say as I smile over at him "no problem princess" one hand sits on he wheel while the other sits on my inner thigh very close to me.

Its only 12am when we get inside the house, we both quietly make our way upstairs hands held Joseph turns to me and pecks my lips then my nose "goodnight princess" he huskily says a frown creeps onto my face I would think I would be spending the night in Josephs room but  I am wrong, I quickly put a small smile on my face so he doesn't notice me frowning but obviously he seems to catch the frown "what's wrong?" he question while there is a frown on his beautiful face "nothing" I shake my head while avoiding his eyes, he grabs my chins and looks me in the eyes "what is wrong?" his voice comes out demanding so I spill "I wanted to spend the night in your room, but its fine ill sleep in my own" I start to ramble while Joe just chuckles and looks at me with amusement in his clear blue eyes  "you can stay in my room, you just had to ask me venga" he says while holding his hand out for me to hold (come on).

he holds his door open for me to enter, when I do take a quick look around looking at the black and white walls one singular bookshelf covered in old, new books as well as a little lounge room in the corner and a little desk with a black Mac laptop, "nice room" I compliment while looking over at him he smiles before he starts to unbutton his white shirt he throws it to the floor before turning and walking into his large closet, he comes out with black Calvin Klein boxers on and only that I watch as his muscles ripple when he walks over to me "eyes up here novio" his husk voice brings me out of my day dreaming my eyes level with his while he holds a large black shirt out, I look at him questionably "so you don't have to sleep in that dress" I grab the shirt "oh thank you" he nods his head before walking over to his large bed and lifting the covers, he comfortable gets in before Rolling over to the other side, I quickly navigate myself to his bathroom which ironically is black and white as well he has one large shower and one really big bath tub which could easily fit 3 people in it. I quickly change myself before washing my face brushing my teeth and going o the toilet before I make my way out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, I watch as Joseph rolls over and looks at me "damn you look better in that then me" he says while smirking I let out a small chuckle before walking over to the vacant side of the bed, pulling the covers back and quickly getting under the warm blanket, "goodnight" I whisper out while he turns the lights over he rolls over and puts his arm around my waist "goodnight princesa"

Thank you all for 1.13k I appreciate all the love and love you all ❤️❤️. Hope you enjoy the chapter

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