38: Hawaii Part 2.

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"Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing in 3 hours " I listen as one of the flight attendants speaks over the intercom "enjoy the rest of your flight" I get out of the little bed not before kissing Joseph's forehead and putting a blanket over hi...

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"Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing in 3 hours " I listen as one of the flight attendants speaks over the intercom "enjoy the rest of your flight" I get out of the little bed not before kissing Joseph's forehead and putting a blanket over his sleeping body.

I grab one of the books out of my bag before going and taking a seat, looking out the window my eyes look over the night sky as we cross over the ocean. Opening my book, I turn the little light on beside me so I can read in peace.


"What would you like for breakfast ma'am" my head shoots up as I hear the flight attendant speak "may I please have the chocolate chip pancakes with a coffee please" he nods his head before leaving and going back to the front of the plane "I missed you sweet cheeks" I feel his hands play with my shoulders before rubbing them "mhm, that feels nice" I lay my head back in the little red seat before closing my book and relaxing "glad you like it baby" his lips meet my neck before travelling to my ear and gently biting it, my head moves to the side as his lips suck on the sweet spot "fuck Joseph" my breathing quickens when I feel the pulsing down below I feel him smirk before he takes a seat in front of me "that's what you get for leaving me in the bed alone" my eyebrows furrow at what he says before I slowly nod my head "oh I'm sorry" he smiles before pulling his foot over to his knee before putting his hand on his knee.

I watch as the two rings he wear shines in the sun light showing the diamonds off, the attendant places my pancakes down before nodding his head and leaving.


"Ladies and gentleman, we will be landing in 10 minutes so please strap yourselves in. Thank you"

Getting into my seat I buckle up before looking over at Joseph "so can you pretty please tell me where we are?" I send him my best puppies eyes while looking over at him "sorry sweetness you'll have to wait and see" a scowl comes over my face as I look out the window "fine".


"Close your eyes sweetheart" I give him a suspicious look before putting my hands over my eyes I have trouble keeping my eyes closed so. "Oh shit!" I feel my ankle twist a little as I try not to scream at him "Please Hold My Hand or Something I Don't Want to Die!" I let out an angry sigh as he roughly grabs my elbow pulling me down the stars.

"Open your eyes" I slowly pull my hands away my face before opening my eyes quickly shielding them as the harsh sun comes into my eyes.

My eyes finally adjust to the hard sun as I look around "wow, you fucking brought me to Hawaii" I gasp as I realise where we are "no way, thank you so much" I squeal as I run over to him and hug him putting my arms around his neck before kissing his lips.

"Estoy tan contenta de que te guste" he whispers (I'm so glad you like it) playing with his hair, a car pulls up beside a nice shiny black limo my eyes widen realising that's what we will be riding around in "that's for us" I stutter he grins before nodding his head.

Grabbing my arm, he pulls me to the car, he opens the door for me before getting in and closing it "why thank you, very like a gentleman"

"Only for you sweetheart" he says in a deep dark voice I can't help the little laugh that escapes as he stares at me. He shakes his head before putting his seat belt on and tapping the driver's window letting him now, we are ready to go.

"So where are we staying?" I question while looking out the window admiring the beautiful seas and palm trees. "My house" my eyes widen when he says my house "what you own a house in Hawaii?" He nods his head like it nothing whilst I look at him all wide eyed "I own houses everywhere sweetheart" I meekly nod my head before closing my mouth "wow" I whisper to myself.

We end up sitting in silence till we are arriving at his very nice mansion.


"Wow, this is an amazing house" I say gaping at the beautiful beach house right in front of me. "Glad you like it sweetheart, want a tour?" I nod my head with a big smile on my face.

"You have an amazing house, it's beautiful"

"Well thank you beautiful" a light blush coast my cheeks as he calls me beautiful. "I can't wait to explore". I give him a quick hug before walking out the back door enjoying the sea salt smell.

Hey all, hope you enjoy this chapter it is short but I hope you enjoy ❤️❤️. Thank you for all the support.

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