Chapter 2: Planning the trip:

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Beep, beep

I groan as I turn my alarm and roll over and pet peaches "good morning baby" I say as she cuddles up to my chest, I yawn as I stand up and stretch my muscles as peaches wanders out of the room waiting for her breakfast. I make my way to the kitchen and make myself some tea and feed peaches some biscuits.

I make my way to my room and take a shower and do my personal hygiene I then get dressed and do my makeup which is natural and light.

I make my way to my black Mustang GT and drive down to the coffee shop to get some breakfast, I make my way inside when I get a text from James saying he wants to meet for breakfast so I tell him where I am so he can meet up with me, I sit down and wait for my breakfast and coffee as I have already ordered for myself. "hey" someone says from behind me as they bring me out of my daze I turn around and find James "oh hey James, how's it going?" I say as he waves over a waitress "I am good just wanted to see you before you leave for your vacation" he smiles as he puts in his order which is the same as mine only he gets a latte, "you do know I leave for Italy next week right" I smile as I drink my coffee "I know but still I'm just going to miss you a bunch" he sadly smiles at me.

I make my way to my car as I wave goodbye to James, once I'm at my apartment I notice my friends siting on my couch eating my food "um hey guys what's up, and why are you eating my food?" I ask them as I pick up peaches who is wagging her little butt at my feet, "Sophia finally we were wondering when you were coming back, we came so we can help you get ready for tonight duh" Mia says as she turns the TV off, I give them both a questioning look I had no plans tonight but to eat and cuddle with my baby "what do you mean getting ready for tonight I have no plans on going out" I question them both, they both grin at me and say "Greg is having a little party for us kind of like a after graduation party, come on you have to go it'll be fun get you out maybe even get laid" they both wiggle their eyebrows at me and smirk I both give them knowing looks and say no a thousand times, they end up convincing me after a couple of hours of nagging me I give in.

So here I am with two people in my face one pulling my hair and one all up in my face doing my makeup while I sit here and endure the pain of hair pulling. They have finally finished their torture and are now making me get dressed (outfit and makeup below) after about an hour of driving we finally making it to the so-called small party.

 They have finally finished their torture and are now making me get dressed (outfit and makeup below) after about an hour of driving we finally making it to the so-called small party

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