Chapter 13: Clothes.

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I jump out of my dream when there is a pound pounding coming from the door, the door opens and Aron comes in dressed in a black Armani suit "When you are up and ready boss will see you and tell you all the rules and times that you have to be awake be ready in about an hour or two" he then leaves my room without waiting to a reply from me groaning I scream into the pillow.


After about 15 more minutes of sleep I make my way to the closet and grab a black and white stripped dress that goes above the knee walking into the bathroom I get into the shower, after my shower I make my way to the mirror and dry my hair looking into the draws I find a tooth brush and a hair brush. After I'm finished with my routine I put some Lacey black panties on as well as a matching black Lacey bra I wonder how they knew my bra size even my clothe size shaking my head I put the dress on and look at myself.
I look pretty good going back to my room I sit on the bed and wait for Aron to come back and take me to Joesph again. My mind wonders back to Joesph seeing his handsome face with all the tattoos covering his body the door opens and breaks me out of my little day dream I look up at Aron and smile at him he kind of sends me a smile back hard to tell he holds out his hand I put my hand in his large hand realising how small my hands are "come on I'll take you to boss he isn't in a very good mood today so don't piss him off" he grips my arm and pulls me along.


Aron knocks on the mahogany door he puts his head up to it and listen we both hear a mumble low come in he opens the door and pushes me in then he leaves and goes somewhere "please take a seat" I quickly make my way over to the brown chair and take a seat I look up at Joesph who has his hands crossed together and his eyes narrowed at me he brings a hand to my face and moves a piece of my hair my breathing falters for second before he moves his hand away " shall we get started?" He questions I jut nod my head

"So you will be waking up at 5am every morning prepare me breakfast lunch and dinner Saturday's and Sundays are you only days off but for Saturday you work until 12pm that's when you get off, other days you'll finished at 6pm you will eat by yourself or with other maids unless told other wise. Are you following along Sophia?"
" I am just a lot to take in"
He nods and goes back to the rules " you aren't allowed to leave until I believe you are ready and if you do leave a guard will come with you that's enough for today but there are more rules that will come along oh and if you try to escape you will be down in the cellar and possibly never come out" my eyes widen in fear when he says that "are we clear Princesa?" He says as he tilts his head to the side and looks me dead in the eyes with a evil look lingering in them I nod my head eagerly. He calls Aron out and takes me back to my room "you'll slowly get privileges sweets don't worry" Aron says trying to reassure me I nod my head and give him a tight lipped smile smiling back he locks me in my room, breathe out a breathe I decide to take a bath to calm my nerves.

Another chapter you guys hoe you enjoy it :) it was fun to write and I'll see you next time beautiful people❤️

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Another chapter you guys hoe you enjoy it :) it was fun to write and I'll see you next time beautiful people❤️.  Next chapter will be in Joesphs POV how excited I am any way 😊

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