37: Hawaii Part 1.

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"Come on, we have to Leave if we want to be on time" I roll my eyes as Joseph's taps his watch indicating we need to get going "I'm getting out okay geez" I carefully make my way out of the car making sure my dress doesn't ride up my thighs as Jos...

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"Come on, we have to Leave if we want to be on time" I roll my eyes as Joseph's taps his watch indicating we need to get going "I'm getting out okay geez" I carefully make my way out of the car making sure my dress doesn't ride up my thighs as Joseph holds his hand out for me to grab.

"Wow, this is cool" my widened eyes take in the black jet sitting in front of eyes "cool huh" he chuckles as he goes up the steps shaking hands with the captains before helping me get up the small narrow steps.

We make our way to the back of the jet that has a bunk bed a little counter and a mounted tv on the wall in front of the bed.  "Take a seat the flight will be leaving in five minutes" turning around I come face to face with an air hostess he smiles at me before nodding his head and walking to the front of the jet "thank you" I say hoping he hears me.

Jospeh's head rests on my shoulder as I take in the jets appearance "we should probably rest we have a 10 hour flight so we may as well take a nap then watch some movies" I nod my head as he leads me to the back where the bunk.

I take my pants off before getting out of my shirt and grabbing one of Jospeh's button up shirt, his suits is folded neatly on the chair while his naked body is laying in the bed with one hand behind his head while he types away in his phone, crawling to my side I put my head in his toned chest while his hand plays with my hair.

Turning the TV on I changed it to a re-run of friends since it's my favourite show.

"Wake up baby, time to eat something" my arm drapes over my eyes as the sun comes through the little window on the jet "I'll be out in a minute" my voice comes out raspy since I've just woken up, I look up at Joseph as he nods his head he pecks my lips before walking out closing the door in his way out.

I stretch my limbs before grabbing some jeans from the bag on the counter, I put my hair into a ponytail before putting some lip balm onto my lips. Walking out of the little cabin I make my way over to the table that Joseph is seated at, grabbing a seat I slide it out before taking a seat.

"What type of food do we have?" I question while looking out the little window beside me. "Anything that is on the menu my princess" he hands me a small little menu, opening it up my eyes take down the side before spotting spicy chicken tacos with a side of fries, an air hostess walks to the table asking is what we would like "I'll have the spicy chicken tacos with a side of fries" I look up at him and send him a small smile "I'll have the baby back ribs with a large fries, both coke thanks, also stop looking at my fucking girlfriend" his voice turns cold as he says the last part.

turning around I give Joseph a pointed look before opening my mouth "don't be so mean, he was just being friendly" I slap his shoulder before leaning back into my seat, gazing out of the little window.

"Here you go ma'am, and for you sir" my mouth waters as I take a look at the steamy meal being placed in front of me "thank you so much" he puts our drinks down before nodding his head and leaving.  I take a couple sips of my drink before digging into my food, I let out a moan as I bite into the juicy tacos "don't do that baby" I stop chewing before looking into his eyes that seem to be looking over me in lust, a blush coats my cheeks as I realise what I have done "sorry" I let out a little squeak as we both go back to enjoying our meal with the tv on in the background.

Hey guys sorry that this is a small chapter but I just finally got my license so I can now drive by myself which is nice. But anyways there is only like 3 chapters left of this book. But I hope you enjoy it. ❤️❤️.

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