Chapter 6: Landing.

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18 hours later we finally land in Spain, I'm so excited, grabbing Peaches cage and bags I stand with my friends and wait for the other passengers to get off the plane its like a fucking stampede all fighting to get off first, huffing I sit back down and wait for my turn to get off, finally jumping out of my seat I get of off the plane with my friends.

Realising we are kind off lost we try and haul a taxi finally getting on we all jump inside "Hola" the man says as he starts the car I smile at him "A donde?" the man asks "To the Lani's Suiets De Luxe" I say and smile at him he smiles back and nods his head I relax in the back seat and look at Mai who is currently smiling down at her phone shaking my head I lean back and close my eyes, the car finally comes to a stop we all get out and tip the man "gracias" I say and hand him the money he smiles and nods his hand.

Looking up at the hotel I realise how beautiful it is the lights light up the outside of the building it has a couple pools it's so pretty.

I get my luggage and Peaches cage we walk up to the front desk and get my key to my suite Mia ended up getting another room at least I get a big ass room to my self-smiling I make my way to the elevator and go to press the floor right up the top which Is number 59 so many floors before the doors close I hear a deep voice yell "Espera" the man yells I put my hand through the door to see 3 men in suits on in a black Armani suite and two in grey they all look up at me with cold looks in their eyes before they get into the elevator me being me I shy away and look at my shoes "Gracias" the one in the black Armani suite said in a deep silky voice he said it so low I could barely hear it,

Deciding to look up I'm meet with cold dark blue eyes takin in his handsome face I realise he has a black coloured dermal under his right eye and a little dagger tattoo in his sideburns, looking at his neck I see some red and black ink on his neck with some symbols the hottie has slick black hair shaved at the sides as well he has a little black stud in his nose and a black ring in the other side.

Shuffling on my feet I put Peaches down on the ground and look at my feet while trying not to make the situation any more awkward,
clutching my bag I try my best not to stare at the handsome god.

While Peaches is on the ground she starts to whine which makes my cheeks bright pink as I look around to the other guys and notice their eyes are on me blushing once again I bend down and shush Peaches, but she begins to bark now she decides it's a goof idea to bark fuck me.

I open her cage and pick her up and pet her trying to calm her down she starts wagging her tail and looking at the handsome goddess I inwardly groan as she tries to get out of my arms finally the elevator dings and I get out as quick as I fucking can.

I grab my key and go to put it in the door before I go in I see the guys from the elevator looking my way quickly avoiding his eyes I walk into my room and shut and lock the door sighing I start to unpack my shit. After feeding Peaches I make myself some dinner classic Ramon.

Turning the TV on I jump on the couch and eat my ramon, while I am eating I start to hear some yelling coming from outside I try and listen because it sounds like the guys from the elevator I hear someone say in Spanish "donde diablos es mi dinero" they yell that can't be good I know fuck and money, deciding its none of my business I finish of my dinner.

After dinner I turn the TV off and the lights as well making my way to the bedroom nice big bed and huge ass shower fuck yeah could have a party In this bitch turning the shower on I strip and jump in putting my PJ'S on I make my way to bed and get in turning the lights out I check social media before going to sleep, Peaches jumps in bed and snuggles to my legs.

After dinner I turn the TV off and the lights as well  making my way to the bedroom nice big bed and huge ass shower fuck yeah could have a party In this bitch turning the shower on I strip and jump in putting my PJ'S on I make my way to bed and g...

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Thanks for reading. I decided to change it from Italy to Spain just because I didn't know if my translation app was right or wrong. I kind of know some Spanish so yeah.   I'm also working on another book so there won't be regular updates.

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If you don't know what a Dermal is This is it just a piece of jewellery that goes under the skin. :)


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