32: Together.

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I wake up to the feeling of something weighing me down, looking down I notice Joseph's head on my stomach with his hands wrapped around my waist in a strict grip, my hand starts running through his soft black hair massaging his scalp

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I wake up to the feeling of something weighing me down, looking down I notice Joseph's head on my stomach with his hands wrapped around my waist in a strict grip, my hand starts running through his soft black hair massaging his scalp.

"Mhmm, that feels good" he groans out as his face turn to look at me I send him a small smile before continuing his little scalp massage his eyes close as his hand runs up and down my thighs giving me goosebumps "Eres fabuloso"  he murmurs before kissing my stomach I smile as he looks over at me "what's the time?" He questions before closing his eyes I look over at the glowing lights that display 7:30am "it's only 7:30" Joseph groans before getting up "as much as I'd love to stay here with you, I have a meeting in two hours which I have to get to"  "okay" I nod my head putting my hands behind my head before watch what Joseph does.

I feel Joseph kiss my cheek before I hear the bedroom door close. I sleep for about another hour before I decide to get up and be productive, walking to my room I open the door before walking in and opening my blinds and window.

Walking into my closet I grab a Martin skirt and black shirt before getting into the bathroom and turning the shower on letting the warm steam fill the room, I strip out of my PJ's before opening the shower door and stepping in. I let the warm water run down my body.

Wrapping my robe around my body I sit at my vanity I apply some light makeup before getting dressed and adding some white pumps 

Walking down the stairs I make my way into the kitchen greeting Brenda "morning sweetheart, hope you slept well" she smiles before continuing rolling the dough I feel a light blush coat my cheeks as I remember my night "I did thanks. Hope you did too" she nods her head. Walking over to the hot brew of coffee I pour myself a cup before adding some milk making it a light brown colour.

"Good morning Sophia" I hear lady say from behind me "Morning Maddy" I day and spin around in the little spiny chair she sends me a big grin before easing her eyebrows at me "what" I question not knowing what she wants "well, how did your date go silly" she squeals out my mouth forms an 'O' shape realising what she means I put my coffee down before telling her most of the things that happened "well it was actually amazing he took me out in the forest near a lake it was so sweet of him, we also went swimming. And we kissed"  I pick my coffee back up and take a small sip looking over at Maddy whose eyes are wide and jaw hanging to the floor I let out a small chuckle when she finally picks her jaw up she lets out a ear piercing scream before she starts jumping up and down by down I'm laughing so hard "oh I'm so happy for you and my brother" "thanks" I smile at her she jumps again and gives me a bone crushing hug I put my arms around her neck and hug her.  We sit like this for a while. Embracing each other.


"Hey Sophia Joseph wants his lunch delivered to his office, can you do that for me?" She holds a tray arm length out for me to grab I feel my heart start to beat harder "yeah I can do that" I don't know why I'm nervous but I am Brenda sends me a small smile, I shakily grab the tray before slowly making my way upstairs.

I quietly knock on his door and listen to hear if he's in there "come in" I hear his gruff voice I carefully twist the door knob before I enter his office "good morning Sir here is your lunch" I shakily let out a breathe before putting his food on his desk I swiftly turn around getting ready to leave until I hear his voice "stay" my eyebrows raise in confusion before turning around and pulling a chair out and taking a seat.

I watch as he eats his soup and drinks his water while I play with my hands that are situated in my lap "did you enjoy last night Sophia?" I hear his husky voice ask, I feel a small smile come onto my lips thinking about last night "I had a great time thank you" I say looking over at me I watch as his hand moves to his lap before he taps his lap "come sit" "come on don't be shy now" I get up slowly making my way to his chair he wheels out enough for me to get between his legs, his hand snakes around my waist as he yanks me down onto his lap I put my arm around his neck to stabilise myself he pecks my cheek before he rolls his chair in starts eating and doing his work.

" I have a question for you Querido" I look over at him and see the nervousness in his eyes I give him a worried look before nodding my head "I can't believe I'm about to do this" he shakes his head before liking me in the eyes "will you be m-my g-girlfriend?" He stutters our I let out a tiny gasp before eagerly nodding my head "oh thank god" he lets out a breathe before he kisses my lips I kiss him back before pulling apart, I play with his hair while he grabs a cigarette from behind his ear grabbing a lighter from his top draw a very cool designed lighter "I didn't know you smoked" I continue to play with his hair while he lets out a breathe of smoke "only when I'm anxious or stressed" I look over at him before grinning "where you nervous when you asked me out?" He looks over at me before before avoiding my eyes "you so where" I let out a humorous chuckle he sends a light slap to my thigh "oh it's okay to be nervous" I say in a baby voice he groans before putting the cigarette to his plump lips I watch the end glow to a bright orange colour he puffs out the smoke before squishing it in the ash tray on his desk "alright I have to get back to work" he squeezes my thigh his lips land on mine giving me a passionate kiss "alright, I'll see you in my bed tonight" his huskily voice travels to my ear before I get up Joseph sends a harsh slap to my ass "hey that was uncalled for!" He just chuckles before he shoos me away.

I quickly walk into my room and grab a book for myself before making my way to Jospeh's room I knock before entering his room. Joseph sits on his bed with his laptop situated on his lap with some reading glasses on "you look very cute" I say while showing him a big smile he chuckles before he pets the spot next to him I quickly jump onto the bed.

"Hey I'm gonna take a shower" I say before grabbing one of Jospeh's white shirt from his closet walking into the bathroom I turn the light on, I feel his hit breathe on my neck as his arms snake around my waist pulling me into his hard chest "can I take one with you?" He lets out a breathe before sucking on my sweet spot on my neck my head tilts to the side giving him more access "no" I finally catch my breathe "come one we will save water"  his hands travel to my ass squeezing it I nod my head not being able to speak "words Bebé" I hear his accent come out when he calls me baby "you can take one with me" I breathe out I feel a smirk forming on his lips he pulls my shirt over my head before taking my skirt off as well as my pantries and bra come off, tying around I slowly pull his suit off before unburying his pants making eye contact while doing it I slowly pull his pants down before taking his yellow boxers off my eyes never leave his not being able to look at his manhood, he turns the shower his back facing me my eyes follow all of the ink on his back that goes down to his ass.  "Come on" He holds the door open I quickly jump in and let the water run done my body.

He finally gets under the water his body facing me while he washes his hair, my eyes finally lower to his manhood 'omg, that's fucking huge' I say to myself "some checking me out now?" My eyes finally snap up to his he chuckles at my facial expression "it'll fit don't worry sweetheart" I meekly nod my head before washing my hair.

We are finally in bed reading while Jospeh is on his computer working.

"Come on lets get some sleep" I nod my head before putting my book on his night stand he does the same with his laptop, he puts his arm around my waist while my head lays on his chest "goodnight princess" he kisses my head before he turns the light off "good night handsome" I give a light peck to his abs before closing my eyes.

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